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ISO miracle orchestra

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:04 pm
by johnhk4
well, every couple years I get nostalgic and see if anyone has some miracle shows out there. There are a couple on archive but there's more out there that i know i had at some point!! I used to get them on napster. Geez. Specifically wondering if anyone has either of these?

03-02-01 Trilogy Lounge, Boulder, CO
04-06-01 Old Main Inn, Fredonia, NY

thanks if you do!
- john

Re: ISO miracle orchestra

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:43 pm
by johnhk4
Reviving an old thread, looking for those M/O shows, or any others not on already, and also to include Kram Dangle.

I have some Kram Dangle stuff if anyone is interested - it's silly and passionate and really rocks. There's definitely two or three more shows that floated around back in the day that I used to have a now no longer do...

Re: ISO miracle orchestra

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:20 pm
by johnhk4
Updates June 2020. Well I've been on a bit of a quest and in fact, it has been fruitful! Checkout my uploads at:
Big thanks to Thacher, Jason, and John who were able to send stuff that I tracked out, and also to Cleantone for some guidance and audio fixes. More coming soon actually! About 3-4 more shows.

IF anyone is curious, I'm also keeping a list of known shows and setlists in the google doc below. ... sp=sharing

PLEASE if you've got any more, reach out! happy to snail mail USB drives with return postage, whatever.

Re: ISO miracle orchestra

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:17 pm
by mwred
Miracle Orchestra fans might dig Jared's latest work. He's has been prolific ever since the MO days, now heads the jazz program at West Virginia University. ... GNw6bwHqdw