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buy my LivePhish (shameless self promo)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:48 am
by Cleantone

This is so worth the download fee even if you already have the audience tape. The tapers recorded from the back of the room. This is no comparison! Cars Trucks and Buses with an out of the blue performance form Page McConnell on the rhodes electric piano while Marco played the Hammond organ. 4 Phish tunes! (one from each member). The credits note a 16 Track recording, I'm not sure who decided to put that there cause I did 20 channels but who's counting right?

Please post your thoughts once you've heard it... I had to mix the whole concert in one day. That is not something I usually do. I typically take a few days to mix then revisit the mix after a couple days making the needed changes to it. I do a recording a mix including half of Phish and I have to rush it... :(

You can also grab duo2004-12-31 NYE!! that I mastered. I was at The Slip that night but did the post production on Peter Costello's recording from The Duo show. I think 12.30 is better. Mike likes 12.31 better. You be the judge...

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:02 pm
by tim
congratulations! i will definitely pick that up, just need to burn some shows on my comp to free up space. that's really awesome for you.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:05 pm
by Del
Cleantone, that's awesome! I knew you were pretty hardcore into the taping, but I didn't know you were doing it in any official way. It must be pretty cool to work with guys like Mike Gordon... (Or at least get positive feedback from him, whichever.). I just got the e-mail last night saying these GRaB Trio recordings were available, I'm all over them.

give me!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:29 pm
by diesel
dude, stop trying to make a living by taping, mixing and mastering your professional recordings and put out the NYE show already. yeah sure you wont make any money and you'll probably starve to death, but you might get a thank you from a couple of spoiled slip fans. isnt it worth it? :wink:

i've said before and ill say it again, youre one of the few that i respect. respek!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:05 pm
by tonygaboni
Recorded to 16-track, mixed and mastered by Clinton Vadnais / Cleantone Digital Audio. Post Production: Brad Serling (
Those inlays are looking pretty sharp, thanks for the heads up. I didnt even know these were available. Huge upgrade from the auds I grabbed :idea:

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:07 pm
by Cleantone
Your welcome. Please post a review of the show or my recording here if you care to.

setlist error

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:41 pm
by nippegmt
i did download the 12/30 duo show from livephish, i must say, it sounds awesome indeed. 5-last child (first one) is actually Becky and song 4- becky is some other song i cant put the name to. the artwork is like this as well as other setlists from the show, like the audience on bt.etree. maybe once fixed, livephish will put up the corrected artwork?

a great recording cleantone, i hope you do more of these. can't wait to hear the 12/31 Slip show you're working on....


setlist error

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:05 am
by nippegmt 6 listed as Brand X is actually Last Child and song 7 listed as Last Child is Brand X i'm assuming.

should be....
4 ??
5 Becky
6 Last Child
7 Brand X

just trying to piece together the right setlist in hopes livephish will update the artwork somehow.
in no way does this take away from the great quality recording.

Congrats Cleantone!

Thanks Again

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:38 pm
by Cleantone
Your very welcome. I didn't do the setlists. In fact Mikes manager kept calling me about setlists. I have been seeing The Duo for a couple/few years but don't know thier tunes by name. I went to two shows, the 29th and 30th. I would ask for the setlist whn they printed them up to take onstage (it helps me with doing the recording) but they were tight about what they were playing for some reason. Anyway The Duo were on jamcruise when they put his online so I'm not sure who came up with the setlists. I'm sure they would welcome your info if you figure it out. I would post it on the review portion of that site. Review the msuic and recording while your at it. I wish more people would...

Thanks for the kind words and I hope you enjoy it for years to come!

For what it's worth I'm wrapping up this Electron project and will be working on The Slip very soon... Looking forward to that myself too...

I'd go to NYC tomorrow but there is upposed to be some wicked snow coming down.

LivePhish downloader sucks

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 3:28 pm
by Phrazz
Hey Cleantone,

I know this isn't your problem, but the download manager that LivePhish uses is a piece of crap. It says "downloading" and then I get a status saying 25 MB out of 0 MB and the files never show up even though the download idiot-box says downloading. I tried manual, per song, right click, control-click, and originally spent over an hour trying to get Netscape to work and they don't suppor that. I sent an email or two to support, but they're gone on weekends (best time for me to download) and the 48 hour window is silly. Unless they change their policies and interface, they are going to see many unhappy customers. I'm no computer rookie and if I can't figure it out, they have major problems. It's unfortunate because there are plenty of packaged d/l apps that work fine, or just use FTP or something. I know you're not the admin on their site, but if you could get a word to their tech people, it might help them in the future.

Until they get their act together, I really can't recommend their d/l service. Has anyone else d/l from LivePhish? What's the story?


Now it works...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 3:32 pm
by Phrazz
Hey Cleantone,

Thanks for fixing that for me. That was pretty fast. :wink:

I canceled the "download entire show at once" and then the individual song d/l's now work again. Guess you have to bang it around a bit...this didn't work before, maybe it was something that got fixed on the server or the back 'n' forth triggered it. Anyhow, the d/l manager is still brain damaged, but maybe others will have better luck with it than I did.

The good news is my d/l rates are like 380 KB/s. Very fast....


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 3:50 pm
by Cleantone
Thanks for fixing that for me. That was pretty fast.
uuuummmm! your... welcome?
