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The Slip - 2006-12-15 - Barrymore's, Ottawa, ON

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:09 am
by bradm
The Slip
Friday, December 15, 2006
Barrymore's, Ottawa, ON

Source: matched Oktava MC-012 (cardioid,-10db) > Edirol UA-5 (Oade digi-mod,44.1kHz) > optical > Creative Nomad JB3 (WAV)
Transfer: Creative Nomad JB3 > SB1394 > Creative Soundblaster Audigy > CDWav > Shorten-3.5.1

d1t01 Even Rats
d1t02 Airplane / Primitive
d1t03 Wine And White Soda
d1t04 Moonlight Mile[1]
d1t05 I Hate Love
d1t06 Original Blue Air >
d1t07 Paper Birds
d1t08 d1t08

d2t01 d2t01 (new song about/with "de niro")
d2t02 Suffocation Keep >
d2t03 First Panda In Space >
d2t04 The Soft Machine
d2t05 (ottawa nightlight / booche banter)
d2t06 If One Of Us Should Fall
d2t07 Children Of December
d2t08 Baba O'Reilly[2]

[1] The Rolling Stones cover.
[2] The Who cover.

1. The mics were on a stand to the right of sound board/booth, in almost a 90* X/Y.

Taped and transferred by BradM (



Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:44 pm
by hoby
Moonlight Mile!?!?!

:D 8) :D 8)

LOVE that old Rolling Stones!

Thanks BradM! (and BradB)


Spring is nice in Canada

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:18 pm
by Phrazz
Man, looks like a killer show. When anyone d/l's this, want to spin me a DVD? I can't do BitTorrent (due to security restrictions).


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:11 pm
by bouche
I may have space on my ftp to hold it for a few days. I'm at 87% in the download


Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:34 pm
by Phrazz
Tres Kewl, Monsieur Bouche!

I can host this on for a while. So when I get it, I'll post it there. SlipLive doesn't have as much space and I don't want to interfere with performance ( is on a much faster host). FTP on dowloads around 165MB/s sustained, so I doubt we can even hit that with many BitTorrents open.

For those who do BitTorrent, it would be nice to offer this up once you get it on the fastest link possible. I'll host other shows when I work out any kinks (which are inevitable with the chaotic Net these days).

I'd love to do BitTorrent, but my VPN deal with work makes this very difficult with firewalls and other net configs. Otherwise I have to slap the router around every time I switch. It's also not consistent (sometimes works, sometimes doesn't...then there's the issue of who's seeding).

Some day we'll have FTP on fibre. :)

-Merci beaucoup,


Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:53 pm
by prn76
could someone sendspace an mp3 of the Moonlight Mile?

por favor?

Re: The Slip - 2006-12-15 - Barrymore's, Ottawa, ON

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:19 pm
by bradm
Bump. I've been digging through my backup CD-Rs of old Slip recordings, and noticed that the torrent for this one was still around, but wasn't being seeded by anyone. Now it is!
