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Seeding on Etree

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:13 am
by harrymcq
Hey all,

I just finally installed Linux on an old box I had and have made it into a Torrent box. I opened up a bunch of Slip and Slip related torrents on Etree and as many of you know I have some good upload speeds so go ahead and grab anything you don't have!

Also if you have any seeds from dead torrents still on your computer go ahead and open them up! I have a few that aren't at 100% due to mis-matched files so maybe you can help me complete those or any of the other torrents that I don't have.

I hope to seed a bunch more when I get the time, I have a lot of FLAC files which are free to trade on the drive. It's just a matter of time as I've been swamped with work.

Re: Seeding on Etree

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:07 pm
by Stolts04
Any shows in particular that you only have partially downloaded? I'm a longtime Slip fan and lurker of this board but never got around to joining in the discussion back when they were more active. I have a modest collection of shows that I've downloaded through etree over the years and I'd be happy to help if I have any that you needed or were looking for.