Can some people please reopen thier torrents for a bit so I can get this one? It won't even connect to the one seeder who is on thier for me. C'mon, I bailed out all those 2003 torrents for hours yesterday.
Nice new Av D!! Right now there is supposedly a seeder but I can't even connect to him. I'm leaving my window open trying to connect. I assume if someone reopens thier window it will start flowing.
I'm know I still have this on my computer at home, however I'm firewalled and don't have access to open the ports... so I don't know if you'd be able to connect to me. PM me if you can't get it from anyone else today, maybe I can send it to you over an Instant Messenger or something (or get Pat to send it to you from my computer as I'm leaving this horrid weather for California tomorrow morning.)