Portrait of a Scientist As a Young Man tab
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:19 pm
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Portrait of a Scientist As a Young Man
capo 4
first to learn is the cool part in the middle.
basic chords:
remeber youre in open tuning so be sure to make some strings ring here and there in true brad fashion.
-----0---------6----7* see note
*the recording i have (11-11-06) that i posted earlier has what sounds like brad messing up, maybe he broke a string? witnesses? but i love love love the dissonance that is created there, when the chords sound choppy. it sounds so good and i hope he was just trying to play another part/section of this middle part. if not that dissonance really should be in there, its so perfect. enough about the dissonance
chromatic sounding intro:
please contribute! cant get the pre-jam or the 'words to a little song" part!
good luck, feel free to email me with questions or post up here. jkuckens@gmail.com
take care