slipstream offline?

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slipstream offline?

Post: # 18454Post Guest »

hey just wondering what the deal is with the slipstream website as of late
i love this site but haven't been able to access the stream in quite some time now
does anyone know if it is coming back anytime soon, its my only access to the slip when i'm on campus (aside from the collection on my ipod of course :) )
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SlipStream might be on hiatus

Post: # 18456Post Phrazz »

Dan created and can answer best about SlipStream-- maybe send him an email. I do know that sites don't run themselves, and streams are a lot of work (and money) to maintain. The site is up, but not the usual port (at least when I just checked).

Oh, here's where you can find some recent SlipStream news.

Hahaha, that's the other SlipStream. Just kidding.:lol:

Incidentally, how did you build your Slip collection on your iPod? Mine is from original CDs as well as Net sources, and the old-fashioned trading that we sometimes do (CDRs, but these days DVDs). Maybe someone can help you out in other ways if SlipStream is on hiatus. Do you have a lot of live stuff? Old/new, certain years? Letting us know if you're willing to trade and what you have (even other bands) may help convince someone to help you out with a B+P. And if you torrent, etc. That can help a lot since most people only use certain methods, and SlipStream isn't the only way to get music of course (it is definitely convenient, especially when in a public cluster at school).

In general, you will see better responses to posts if you sign in so others can see your identity (even if it's a nom de guerre, like my own ;-}). People are much more inclined to help someone out they *know* (or at least think they know). Ordinarily I don't reply too often to "Guest" posts , but yours somehow elicited a response [I think maybe your post time somehow tickled my brain deep in the math recesses :wink: ].

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Post: # 18460Post lucasdavidsamuels »

hey i am a member of the site, unfortunately i noticed that i came up as a guest after i posted my question, forgot to sign in yesterday by mistake
anyways ya i built my collection through torrents and the few concerts that have been posted on this site, which were unbelievably generous
i have a few slip cds on my pod, aliveacoustic,eisenhower (which ive listened to basically everyday since it came out in 2006, thats how i got into the band) and angels
i basically grabbed 99% of my shows from bt.etree but unfortunately as of late there havent been too many seeders on a lot of the shows, so the few that i am currently downloading have been moving wicked slow

id definitly be interested in trading shows with anyone who is willing, i have a pretty wide collection of music, about 80gigs worth on my external so theres a wide variety of shit there, although a nice chunk of it is live dead, phish and slip shows
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Post: # 18461Post harrymcq »

I'd be happy to do some B&P's but I'm about to head out into 4 days of Mr. Davis craziness so I'm not gonna overcommit myself... Feel free to drop me a PM or email in a week or two and I will hook you up. Also interested in trading as well with folks.
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slip trades

Post: # 18470Post Phrazz »


I'll definitely trade some shows with you, and I am always up for Dead and Phish classics. If you can burn DVDs, let's setup a 1 or 2 disc trade for an assortment. I also must recommend Gecko and Does since that will round out your studio collection and provide historical foundation (plus you never know how long these older ones will be around). These were the references for quite some time before the major expansion of BAM's repertoire. I'll send back a similar mix of live shows, one all Slip and one of miscellaneous bands I think you'd like.

Email me your list or let me know what years you need filled in and I'll do the same. That's still the fastest way, even if we have to wait for the mail. Torrents are great when there's enough people on, but there's nothing like a fast FTP server for a more permanent repository (and consistency).

It's also easier to trade even steven and not worry about B+P. So let's do 2 DVDs because that won't take too long, and I'll see if I can find my latest Slip's maybe 70% complete by now (still finding mystery discs scattered from when I've traveled, some lost their original jackets when moved to booklets, so I'm still sorting some out).

If I recall from older posts, you're up in CA, right? You get any snow up there? We finally got hit down here around DC...odd that I actually missed the snow in the winters. And I was telling locals it won't snow here 'til 2008. The very next day we got about 3". Haha, joke's on me. :) [but I don't drive, no big whoop]

What kind of iPod you got? I just picked up a Touch, and it's fantastic, but I've discovered the iTunes ripper really sucks. Even when set to "error checking", it's pretty sloppy with dropouts. I discovered the latest dbPowerAmp ripper is all pumped up now, with album art and pretty much blazing speed with every CODEC, and 0 errors out of dozens of rips (never got 'em with the old version either). I strongly recommend this ripper for anyone with a PC (Mac people, sorry, but maybe iTunes has less trouble on Apple iron...I dunno). I also noticed a CPU # on the ripper screen, so I'm pretty sure it'll handle multi-core systems (my box is getting old, but I'll jump to a quad when the price comes down a little more and Vista I might never install if they don't fix all the major glitches I've read and heard about).

So far I haven't quite filled 16 GB...I'm trying to be selective about what I put on there. For photos and video, however, it's da bomb factory. All I've got are a couple Slip and SMMD vids so far. I haven't gotten on the video conversion path...that'll be easier with a faster system. Any suggestions are welcome...particularly if anyone has experience converting specifically for iPhone or iPod touch limitations.

-Take a beetle,


P.S.: I may move this thread to Tapers and Trading. Also if you want to include your original post in your signed-in response, I'll remove the old guest post and references to not being logged in.

P.P.S.: Harry, you lucky dog!!! Have a great time...that's gonna be a hell of an adventure. You'll get to see some magic (of all sorts).

Oh nice...Echo Park just came on. Another great new release! [Play Pause Stop]

And you gotta see this hilarious video of Marco trying to wake up this guy right in front at the Blue Note during his appearance with MK Orchestra (courtesy of our friends at Nice!
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Post: # 18476Post Dan »

Finals Week

I am sorry!


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