Barack out with your caucus out - Election '08 talk

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Post: # 18649Post putty »

you just want a revolution, so you can say you were around during the revolution.

i enjoy being around during the "good ol' days," which is what this time will eventually be called.
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Post: # 18678Post putty »

so this morning i drove to atlanta to go to Ebenezer Baptist Church(MLK's church), to see Obama speak at the MLK Day service. I stood in line for an hour or so. It was about 20 degrees, snow on the ground. The line reached around the block. Once we got up to the front of the line, they said it was full, and turned away about 500 or more people. Right as we were leaving, Obama pulled in in a big Suburban.

I really wanted to see that gospel choir. My attempt was futile though.
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Post: # 18679Post magpie »

bummer... i'll bet that would've been one helluva speech!

but remember that you already
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Post: # 18698Post diesel »

so what do you all think about the democratic candidates having ties with the Council on Foreign Relations and/or the Bilderberg group? Including obama, clinton, edwards, richardson, and dodd.
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Post: # 18699Post putty »

i don't know. i'm not much of a conspiracy theorist. what do you know about it?

i had never heard of the Bilderberg Group, until now.

i think it sounds like a good idea. the idea of a world army, that always knows where i am because of a chip implanted at birth, gives me a really fuzzy feeling inside.

here's what wikipedia has to say on bilderberg.

Criticism and conspiracy theories
The group's secrecy and its connections to power elites has provided fodder for many who believe that the group is part of a conspiracy to create a New World Order.

Reporter Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states "In Yugoslavia, leading Serbs have blamed Bilderberg for triggering the war which led to the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic. The Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, the London nail-bomber David Copeland and Osama Bin Laden are all said to have bought into the theory that Bilderberg pulls the strings with which national governments dance." [6]

One critic of the Bilderberg meetings, American paleoconservative conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones, claims that the group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure similar to the European Union or a possible North American Union structured around the NAFTA trade agreements.[7]

Daniel Estulin, a Madrid-based author, claims that the long-term purpose of Bilderberg is to "Build a One-World Empire". He states the group "is not the end but the means to a future One World Government" whose ultimate goal is to transform Earth into a prison planet "...policed by a United World Army, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a microchipped population whose life's needs have been stripped down to materialism and survival — work, buy, procreate, sleep — all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move." [8]

Biblical Fundamentalist Tony Gosling registered the domain name, and uses the web site to spread his theory that the group's alleged efforts towards a world government are a sign of a biblically-predicted apocalypse. [9]

Denis Healey, a Bilderberg founder and former British chancellor, decries such theories as "crap." He was quoted by BBC News as saying "There's absolutely nothing in it. We never sought to reach a consensus on the big issues at Bilderberg. It's simply a place for discussion," [10]

A weekly British newsletter, schNews, published an account of the 1999 Bilderberg meeting on their website [11], from which no material supporting the conspiracy claims emerges.
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Post: # 18704Post hoby »

putty wrote:....populated by a microchipped population whose life's needs have been stripped down to materialism and survival — work, buy, procreate, sleep...
Seems like they're geting closer and closer to this goal.
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Post: # 19001Post harrymcq »

Am I the only one bummed that Clinton carried Texas? I thought she was gonna get Ohio for sure but I was expecting Obama to get Texas. I guess he still has a chance at getting more delegates out of Texas but I am getting serious election fatigue and though I used to think Obama had time on his side I am starting to wonder if Hillary's negativity is paying off.

Electoral politics just get me down. After the last 2 presidential elections I have just come to the conclusion that the American people are seriously deluded. I know that Obama is a politician and I don't think he's the second coming or anything like that. Heck anyone who voted for the Patriot Act renewal is far from perfect in my book but out of the 3 choices on the table he just clearly seems the best to me. Though I think Hillary would make an ok President my biggest fear is that she gets the nomination and then McCain sweeps it which would just totally suck.

Well this is not my most articulate post ever but writing it is better than looking at the news sites and seeing Hillary's smiling mug and reading her smug words.
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Post: # 19004Post putty »

my guess is it's going to go until the convention, and Hillary is going to file a law suit over the delegates in Florida and Michigan. the nominee will be decided by the DNC.
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Post: # 19040Post hoby »

Lots of talk coming out of the Clinton camp this past week about a "dream ticket."

I'd love to see it.

Not because I think either of them is any great shakes, but because anything that increases the diversity (even if it's superficial) of the national electoral process is a good thing.
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Post: # 19042Post harrymcq »

I'd love to see Obama/Clinton but Clinton/Obama would be a definite disappointment. I'm going to vote Democrat regardless but my distaste for Hillary has only been increased by the nasty primary.
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Post: # 19043Post putty »

it's a dream ticket for Clinton and her supporters.

if Obama is preaching change, and all throughout this primary election calling her out for being same ol' same ol' politics, then wouldn't it be against everything he's said so far to have her as his running mate?

the best thing about having Obama in office, would be the influx of new people to the executive branch. we don't need Clinton and all the back scratchees she's going to bring with her, as a prez or vp.
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Post: # 19046Post harrymcq »

I think Hillary sees having Obama as VP as a chance for her to pull ahead (and actually get elected.) I would be REALLY surprised if Obama picked Hillary though for many reasons. I mean would you really want Bill Clinton hanging around the White House second guessing every move you made? Besides so much bad blood has been aired on the Primary trail. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama picked Janet Napolitano or another strong woman politician to be on his ticket so as not to alienate all the women supporting Hillary.
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Post: # 19048Post hoby »

harrymcq wrote:I'd love to see Obama/Clinton but Clinton/Obama would be a definite disappointment.
I could stomach the former, not the latter.
harrymcq wrote:my distaste for Hillary has only been increased by the nasty primary.
Agreed. It's looking more and more like she doesn't give a shit what happens to the party or the country as long as she gets to be POTUS.
it's a dream ticket for Clinton and her supporters. quote]

if Obama is preaching change, and all throughout this primary election calling her out for being same ol' same ol' politics, then wouldn't it be against everything he's said so far to have her as his running mate?
Yes, but don't we have a long and storied history in this country of people calling each other everything short of Hitler during a primary and then suddenly deciding "there's no one better for the job now that they've offered me some coat-tails" ?
I would be REALLY surprised if Obama picked Hillary though for many reasons. I mean would you really want Bill Clinton hanging around the White House second guessing every move you made? Besides so much bad blood has been aired on the Primary trail.
I'll be surprised (pleasantly) if either of them picks the other. If he did offer it to her, her ego won't let her play second fiddle. That, plus the fact that, assuming he won two terms, she'd be 68 before she could run for POTUS again.

I don't think ANYONE wants to be her VP for the reasons you mention. Who wants to compete with an ex-prez as First Guy?
the best thing about having Obama in office, would be the influx of new people to the executive branch. we don't need Clinton and all the back scratchees she's going to bring with her, as a prez or vp.
This is a very good point. But he'd probably pick some of them to build some sort of coalition with their faction.
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Post: # 19117Post tote »

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
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Post: # 19158Post magpie »


but remember that you already
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