want the the sign of disgrace on your forehead???

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want the the sign of disgrace on your forehead???

Post: # 9956Post diesel »

so iran went off and used a couple of centrifuges to enrich some uranium. of course, its no where near the amount needed for one little a-bomb, but thats besides the point right? we have to fear the worst possible scenerio not the real scenerio, right? who cares that the price of oil has hit record highs, jumping about $.50 in the past month (did you hear that cha ching! for all the oil companys).

anyway, heres one of the many little news bits ive read recently. feel free to chime in:

one crazy president to another wrote:"Iran has created a powerful army that can powerfully defend the political borders and the integrity of the Iranian nation and cut off the hand of any aggressor and place the sign of disgrace on their forehead,"
so if i fill up my tank, can i get one of these signs for, like, $5 or something?
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Post: # 9957Post tote »


Seriously, here goes.

We're talking about two horrendous world powers that will kill us all if we let them. I believe that, like the movie V for Vendetta suggests, the real reason the U.S., EU, etc., are so paranoid about Iran getting the nuke is that Iran are not high enough the power period. The material wealth that stands to be destroyed in the event of a nuclear war, rather than our safety is what would possesse them to send more troops into harm's way. Of course, Iran will crumple like Iraq did, and we'll have another foothold in the middle east (noth that they need it), unless those nukes get built. The real agenda would seem to be more along the lines of the birdflu leading to the rise of fascism and our enslavement. So, bad as Iran is, they are threatening that agenda and I say more power to them for that. Alas, they've got a snowball in hell's chance of joining the nuklear community.

Iraq was bad enough. This kind of shit will drop Bush's popularity to unprecedented lows. As David Icke says, the more power they wield, the more vulnerable they become, because the open themselves up for attack. People in this country and around the world are more conscious than ever before of the presence of a secret agenda. The movie Loose Change is getting rave reviews, and it is the real deal (find it for free on google video. send the link to everyone on your email list). What this means is that an approach similar to V for Vendetta is a real possibility now. Blowing up the WTC was an attack on the people. Blowing up parliament, killing the puppets, etc. is now ripe to be perceived as an attack on "The Man" and, if done in just the right way, could very well galvanize the people in revolution toward a real democracy and power to the people.

But Iran is not going to be the one to make that dominoe fall. It has to be someone amoung our own ranks, someone we can relate to, who is in the right place in terms of human rights and civil liberties. i hate to throw the term "sage around, but it would take an enormous amount of wisdom to cause any good to come of violence. However, the fact remains, violence can be used for good.
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The New-clear Agenda

Post: # 9967Post Phrazz »

[remember how dubayuh pronounces "nuclear"...no chance with Novus Ordo Saeclorum...ahhhh fahgetaboutit]

I can think of various scenarios leading to World War Three, and Iran is on the "short list". Obviously the US doesn't need *much* provocation, but the budget is always a factor as is what little smidgen of diplomatic relations we still want to pretend to maintain (some would argue at this point our policy of "we will bomb the shit out of you" is far from diplomatic, and I would have trouble defending the contrarian belief, no matter how much help I get from Rumpsfeldt and Tricky Dicky -- as brilliant as they obviously are!).

Now Pakistan and North Korean also have nukes, so adding a few more "bad apples" to the list...I dunno. Can Iran hit US? Quite unlikely. Can US level Iraq and pretty much every major urban center with one or two subs? Quite easily. Personally, I'm much less worried about some zealots halfway around the world with "shoddy" navigation systems versus some zealots within walking distance with finely-tuned incarceration systems...but why worry? It's all out of our control, quite frankly speaking. Whoever has the power to launch missles has the power to feign diplomacy. Obviously many share the notion "I'm going to bomb you into the Stone Age" as a deterrent...however, we can all tell posturing from actual devastation (well, those who are blown up have trouble telling the story...even hard to write much with only a few fingers removed).

The real point is Iran says they're refining "only for peaceful purposes" but then they go and say "Israel should be blown off the face of the map." However, also the newly-resettled Jews said "please leave" to the current Palestinians while pointing guns at them, and the UN did little or nothing to stop them (well, a feigned attempt, then the Jews expelled the UK and everyone fought everyone for thousands of years, so whose city is Jerusalem anyways?). The problem is anytime you misplace millions of people, you're going to have problems. Whether the source was Hitler or the UN or the Illuminati or real or fabricated forces is too late once it's occurred...just like WWII was too late when Hitler invaded Poland...wars are like that. They just creep up on you.

I see this "creeper effect" happening as we "ratchet up" blustery talk and then take extreme action (based on false pretenses no less). However, this brainless pursuit of widespread devastation has roots in social forces that few are willing to discuss rationally (wars, famine, diseases being largley exacerbated by overpopulation). When the last polar bear dies and Glacier National Park has to be renamed, we can talk about whether a few misguided A-bombs is going to ruin anyone's day. Gas will be five bucks a gallon by year's end and the oil companies coincidentally reap maximum unprecedented historically extreme profits. What's going on?

This game is going on because we let it -- we slept while Diebold rigged the votes: even still we sign our tax returns yet not our voting cards (what few exist...most are on CF cards that are easily erased with a sweep of the feet and a little static discharge, or removed and reprogrammed which is nicer). The whole system is rigged to exploit and outmanoever. We can't fix it overnight...it's likely we can't fix it at all. All we can do is try to work within it and outside of it. Maybe start our own on some island nation. But how do you keep these rabbits off our island? Surely any popular island will need a good navy. And navy means subs and subs mean nukes and you're back to square one again.

Whenever two people fight to the death for the right to eat their next meal, it is somewhat ludicrous to talk about nukes. Or maybe it's Nature ready to play another dirty trick on us to help us take out our own dirty laundry.

The aliens are laughing at our immense inability to simply get along. They'll wait another dozen or hundreds of years and then just move in once we've paved the way. Maybe they'll do a better job of taking care of the planet than we did. Or maybe it's the cockroaches' turn soon....

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Novus Ordo Saeclorum

Post: # 9981Post tote »

No, Phrazz.. George W., nor I for that matter, has no chance of pronouncing Novus Ordo Saeclorum. :wink: Know who does? Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Murdoch, George H.W., Bill and Hillary, Jeb, etc., to scratch the surface.

I don't have time to go into the Illuminati or their freemason front in any kind of detail here. I suppose it's not really necessary to know, although an argument has been made that their subliminal imagery is much less effective against those who are already aware of it. video.google.com David Icke and check out freedom road, that's a good overview of it, from a good humored english guy, you can't beat that. :D

The point is, as you all know, there's no way Georgey W. is pulling the strings and doing such a good job of concealing a massive conspiracy going on right underneath our noses. If you watched the Vice presidential debates, however, you know there's a far better chance that a snarling brute named Dick is somewhere up there in the wires making moves. Remember, they never found any evidence of cheney wearing a walkie talkie at his debates. And he faced a fine opponent, imho, and beat him, again imho, with pure spin and blatant fibbing. And yet, well trained though he is, and evil genius, he's still just a puppeteer who is himself a puppet.

Leaders who I don't think are puppets: Castro, Chavez, Morales, Aristide, Cindy Sheehan, Nader, Italy's new prime minister (great news!), gosh that's about it for right now. Feel free to add to my research. I get overjoyed when I find another pocket of power that's not controlled by the puppet show from hell. :twisted:

On the subject of famine, or let's call it general human rights abuses. Myriad people don't know that America is the leading human rights abuser in the world, that we are third highest in terms of state executions, highest in terms of narcotics trafficking (Afghanistan anyone?), either the direct or indirect source for around 99.9% of all state sponsored terrorism (which accounts for the overwhelming majority of all terrorism in history), and interconnected both in front of and behind the curtains to all the runner up countries in terms of most human rights abuses ever. Why else would China's president have made his way over to our fine wuite house yesterday for a chat? Why not Castro? If people knew this, Iraq wouldn't have been a feasible war. No war would. And people would vote Nader.
source: www.infowars.com has all this stuff and more, with scholarly/reputable sources to back it up. Sorry, I would myself if this was for college credit. No college I know of wants to teach this sort of thing.

Israel is the most polarized nation in the world financially. I just saw this on democracy now.. The gap between the few rich and the multitude poor is so huge there, they should really be considered a second or third world country. So the voting majority has no time to worry about the 3 million palestinians in the gaza strip that have been occupied by their country for the past forty years, they have their own problems. The rich on the other hand, are straight up Illuminati of the highest degree, bankers that profit off of any conflict in the region and that are the best in the world at doing what the Illuminati do: keeping people in the dark. So... There's not alot of potential for a real dialogue to be opened up there under the current structure. And the U.S. likes the impossible position the rebellious by nature Arabs tend to put themselves in, except when nuclear weapons come into the picture. Thus the cut off of Aide to hamas, inspite of the already putrid situation in Palestine economically.

Dirty bombs, or worse, sophisticated mobile nuclear weapons, as Phrazz mentions, are a problem in the hands of an islamic jihad terrorist, because they have never shown a tendency to choose very useful targets and have no problem slaughtering women and children. This kind of attack, on our soil, would mark the end of our civil liberties without the loss of too much material wealth, and is definitely something to look out for. If they chose to blow up, say, the white house, capitol hill, the washington monument, at night... instead of innocent civilians, I would happily add them to my list of leaders who are not puppets. Get my drift?

Why hasn't this happened already? I doubt it's due to the fine work of wiretapping our civilians and issueing color coded fear triggers, nor is it "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here". No, more likeley it's the bird Flu. Keep in mind, we never know more than the tip of the ice berg. But let's look at what we do know. The bird flu looks suspiciously similar to the 1945 flu pandemic, which researchers have admitted to reviving through the cells of exhumed flu victims. So they have that virus. now for the H5N1 strain to mutate, it would take an intermediary host that's more human like, such as a pig, with a case of both the bird flu and the common flu, and voila, a human ready strain of H5N1. With no vaccine? not at all.. But it's gonna cost you... I admit I don't have all my facts straight on this, but I do know that the President recently signed a bill authorizing him as the Bird Flu Tszar, 4 billion dollars for vaccination expenditures, massive military quarantines, etc, etc. Seems to me that would be all they'd need to seal our mouths forever. All while making a handy profit, like the 240 billion dollars of bullion they stole from the vault beneath the wrold trade center after 911, or the God-knows-how-many billions from the insider trading that day. When you have the reins, you have to use them or you will lose them, and boy oh boy, they're using them. I'm not fucking around here, I'm very concerned.

2012 is the date the mayan calender ends. That seems to be the Illuminati's chief concern, as that is when the words psychic, clairvoyant, transcendental, etc., may lose all meaning as we make a tremendous evolutionary leap. The concern there is that leap would be all but impossible to rgulate and controll. The only way would be to prevent it from happening at all. Now I am convinced that everyone here is more or less on the level. I am probably just hashing this stuff out to get my thoughts in order as opposed to changing minds. But seriously, any additional information, anything I might have missed or been wrong about? Tim? any thoughts?

One last thing, I find this talk all the more important as our country seems poised to impeach the puppet, look at the Rolling Stone coming out, check out Neil Young's album etc. I realize that would be a huge gesture on the part of the American people. But We'd still have to deal with president Dickey, and I'm not sure I want to do that. :wink:

Oh and one more thing, the evolution toward 2012 is coming from energy centers such as the sun and the earth's core, and is up to each one of us individually to attune to. All is energy and energy is intelligent. The resources are there, and willing seekers will find the path ahead of them, but you have to follow it. Rest assured, it isn't easy. To ease the strain, I highly recommend meditation and yoga. Not only does meditation deprogram you and strengthen intuition, but yoga eases ailments and stress like no other, while strengthening the body and steadying the mind That's just what works for me. what works for you? Anyone want to give a brief rundown of say Tai Chi? Taoism? etc.?

Much love,
om namo narayanaya (mantra for world peace)
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Post: # 9983Post diesel »

thanks for the read tote! and especially the links.
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Post: # 9988Post gabe »

phrazz your post was one of the most right on things i've read in a long time
It's all out of our control, quite frankly speaking. Whoever has the power to launch missles has the power to feign diplomacy
it's sad but true and i'd like to think that more and more people are becoming aware of it.

if it weren't for my dependence on amplifiers, i'd live like thoreau and slaughter anyone who didn't.
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