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Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:50 am
by diesel
election day is right around the corner, and i truly believe that in order to make major changes in the current establishment and the path that our country is heading on the people need to voice their thoughts by voting. its all we got, and we have to use it, to show these lying scumbag motherfuckers that were not the idiots they think we are:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:33 am
by putty
sucks. i recently moved back to georgia and didn't register to vote in time. hopefully none of the elections are determined by one vote.

i'm really pissed about not being able to vote for the Athens major.

everyone else vote though!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:08 am
by diesel
im actually very content this morning with the result of the elections. i was very worried that shady events similar to the '00 and '04 elections would result in the repubs keep control of congress. it looks like the voting machines worked as they should and people voted on morals. i really hope the dems use this momentum change to their advantage and make some changes in foreing policy as well as planning the next administration.

voting machines, conspiracies, and my recent whereabouts

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:46 pm
by tote
Hallo everybody. Hail Diesel. All shower with much respect his efforts to keep politics a lively part of the discussion on this board of boards. I remember when we used to have the opposite problem. It was all we intraslipfanaticgeeks(C) could think about. We were obsessed with getting one man out and another equally bad one in. MY My My. How things have changed.

Things have changed, and I'm not quite sure why. Things don't change, people do, or as Brad says, they MUST. And to clarify, I'm talking about the decline of heated political discussions in the world, and the inverse change in political action. What has caused this shift between so much squawking and so much walking? We can only wonder. Are we to really believe that people have finally "woken up" or "fed themselves ill on the garbage they once voted for?" (to not quote the Dealy Llama)

I for one have not had the time to squawk. And I'm a big advocate of doing both. Always have been, as some of you may remember. These days, I could make the time, but I have chosen not too. Now... Is it because I have forgotten my favorite fans of my favorite band and the lively discussions of planes hitting buildings by remote controll passed? Nay. Naaaaayyyy. Nay.

The reason, my slippies, is that I have a limited amount of energy, life force, spirit, soul, essence, prana, apana, kundalini shakti, karma, dharma, obama, (just kidding), or whatever, on this planet in this most fortunate youthful time in my life. I wanna use it to make something good that lasts. We all want the same thing.

Not just here, everywhere. People have changed. The results today prove that. We are on the cusp. The voting machines haven't changed. The problems we are faced with remain. But the people are different. I feel different. Diesel feels good. That says something. We're evolving. I just wanna take this oppertunity to step back and ask everybody to STOP.

War is Over.

If We want it. And today, in America, I am certain my neighbors and fellow citizenry do crave it and feel that craveing growing hourly. I had my doubts leading up to this election. And they caused me to stay mum in the fleeting moments when I could have spoken, here or in general. I've just been putting my head down and walking into the cold north wind, waiting for it to change.

I had my doubts that people would vote. Can you blame me? I figured the 911 truthies like myself were going to stay home because of big bad brother Diebold. And I am entirely relieved they did not. (If Blues take the senate back, I can really breath a sigh of relief. the implications are huge, as we all know. Let's assume that happened) I imagined the disenfranchised african americans in Ohio would stay home for similar reasons to the truthies. But that has been shown to be not so. Americans came out and voted in a way that big brother Diebold was not anticipating, nor capable of (micro)managing: we turned out in record numbers for an off season election. We matched turnouts for previous presidential elections, if I'm not mistaken. WHich is huge. But you wouldn't have known it was gonna happen from talking to people in their homes and neighborhoods. For people in this day in America, like myself, have no more breath for just talking. They want coordinated action and they earned it yesterday by utilizing the greatest tool they had at their disposal, and it proves we've overcome one of the darkest problems our society has ever faced, but we're still not in the clear yet. By no means. Why?

Because the 911 truthies were and are still right. That's why. I still say it. Where's the tape from the hilton of the pentagon crash? There is a huge iceberg conspiracy, and 1/3 of Americans know that by now, according to sources close to diesel.. And that means that in the grand scheme of things, yesterday accomplished very little. All we did is set the ground work for future change. But this change has to be fueled by the biggest grassroots fire we've ever seen. And I'm certainly a little concerned by my own compulsion to sit on my heels and relax today, drinking the sweet smell of honesuckle syrup success.

I have the day off. Elections were my longest work day in the past two months. I'm using the first day off in all that time to ask you all to considere this election not as a victory, but as a seashell horn of battle. We haven't drawn first blood yet my slippies. From the people, to the ruling class, the war is on. And most of us don't even realize it yet. But it's there, in most people's eyes, on the busses and subway platforms, that need to revolt. And the true litmus test (thanks phrazz) is the drastic change in people's behavior between the last two elections. Last time we were squawking. Now we are walking, and the more the movement grows, the more it picks up steam.

So please get involved and use your energy, life force, essence, prana, apana, kundalini shakti, karma, dharma, obama to a common end, with a common theme: revolt! hold your local senator accountable by organizing a long list of your friends and allies and coordinating phone calls on the issues. You must have a friend who's doing this already. Ask them to show you how!! We have a precious window of oppertunity before the corporations sway the weak willed rooks in the senate and house, locking up all the lobbying oppertunities. Call Senator Russ Feingold repetetively and thank him for introducing the bill that could lead to Bush's impeachment for misleading our country into war. Ask him to continue working on getting it advanced. Support Neal Young and The Slip. Not that The Slip's music was ever political (nor I for that matter). Which it's not. But it does seek the evolution that I'm talking about, and the evolution that today, more than ever before, I'm certain is possible.

PUT up large signs in places both public and private that say: SPEAK TRUTH!

We all need that reminder sometimes. The Slip is my reminder. Since I'm on the subject, I wanna thank them and their fans for the impact they've had on my life. I feel very strong and healthy based on a life that is very much intwined with all of yours. The things I've learned at shows, through random serendipity and intiutive searching, have made me who I am today. Alright, I'm gushing now. I love this album and I may post a review, but let's count this as it for right now. Take care friends. Diesel.

Oh and deisel, even in my absence, I was always on the lurk mode, even in the crunch times :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:49 pm
by diesel
tote makes a post. IKE comes out. Dems win. and rummy gets the fuck out of dodge! hell yeah! :twisted:

Slip apolitical blues

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:55 pm
by Phrazz
Not overtly so poltical, perhaps, but Even Rats and Old George come to mind.

Money talks and bullshit walks, but this time the walkers got the talkers. Now what to do with the fawkers?

Rummy "quitting" was a pleasant surprise. Some Right-eous guy verbally questioned why and I told him I knew why...right after the elections...the reasons could not be more obvious. Bushies do not resign--they are asked to resign. Just like Bushies don't ever tell a lie -- but they lie and deny all the time. I'm not sure if Gates is the best pick for Defense Secretary, but this battle will be a lot more interesting if VA goes blue for the Senate (which is likely, though I'm holding my breath on the pending recount).

I got in a little debate with one of Allen's minions here in cozy little Alexandria. She retorted, "So are you going to vote for Allen, or what?" I said "or what" and then went on to say I won't vote for the pederast party. She got all flustered at that little snide comment and retorted about Clinton in the White House and I said "at least it was with a consenting adult of the opposite sex!!!" and she went on to ask if I had any gay people in my family and other sidetrack arguments. I don't play that game and I explained my whole family was straight but I did have a gay roommate once and I would also vote for the right to a civil union. She was losing this battle and never really should have started. The guy representing Jim & Jim (Webb and Moran, both winners) got a big kick out of this and a few people walking in snickered as they heard the melee. Even my Dad got involved (he was worse because he doesn't pick his words too carefully and gets all fired up with these religious types since he used to work in close proximity to one of the most conservative churches in the country).

The point I'm trying to make is now is the time to fight back. We can't squander this advantage -- if it means vetoes and filibusters, so be it. It will also mean Iraq pull-out much sooner and I predict things will settle down over there much faster with the Americans out of there. The hatred festers merely from our presence, rather than the opposite that the GOP wants us to think (to feed the war machine, which should be painfully obvious by now). I interact with people of Middle Eastern descent daily and they are absolutely elated that the American public finally gave the GOP the finger.

Frankly I'm glad that another 3,000 soldiers don't have to die for a defunct cause. We know Osama is not over there (he's being protected in Pakistan most likely, acc. to my friends in SpecOps). We are also seeing the dawn of the "Green Age" where electric cars are hitting the road and other liquid fuels are hitting the market (there's one hydrogen depot in DC and another on the way, incidentaly). Rail is making a come back and I also forsee big money heading back towards fusion research (nuclear fusion is good, fission is bad for those of you who are physics-challenged). I even saw a fully-solar-powered car in Crystal City (near the Pentagon) and there's a version that'll do 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds for the macho kids who aren't ashamed to be green.

Green is "sexy" now and we can make this more apparent with the right kind of ad campaigns (get some celebs to take it off for solar and you'll see a massive shift in public policy! ;-}). Slogan: "Solar powered lovers do it in the sun"...screw in a lightbulb...I can think of lots of puns here. 8)

Q: How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None -- they screw in hot tubs. :lol:

Oh, I crack myself up (that's an oldie but goodie).

Yes, bring on the political rants and that leads to education and knowledge that leads to action are positive forces in this dismal land of ignorami and malfeasants. Maybe we can bring back the middle class while we're at it.

Another great move is the appointment of Nancy Pelosi as the first-ever female Speaker of the House. This is huge and may pave the way for Hillary in '08. Frankly I'd also vote for Obama and even Al Gore yet again, but the Dems won't make this battle plan known until the last minute to avoid the usual rabble-rousing that ensues when candidates are announced (and put under the microscope).

I'd also love to see the impeachment proceed against Bush and Cheney, even if they get off it will send the right message. Maybe also we can repeal the tax cuts on the richest 3% and cut them a little for the middle class. Maybe we can start to spend more on education than defense. The possibilities are endless especially if we get a Dem or non-Republican in office for '08 and then we can show the world what America can really do when we fight the good fights rather than the old fights that do noone any good.

Just wait: this is the beginning of the end of the GOP. My prediction is we'll see more "crash 'n' burn" over the next few weeks as various other big-heads "resign" (a polite way of being taken out of commission). Now if we can only get Bush and Cheney to resign (then Nancy would be President????).

New message to the GOP: keep your hands out of my pants (what do you think you're trying to pull???)!!! :lol:

-Peace Frogs Unite!


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:26 pm
by diesel
out with the old neo con and in with the new old new con

say hello to the new warmonger: Robert Gates”ht ... node/14897

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:02 pm
by diesel
In a recent Democracy Now! appearance, former weapons inspector Scott Ritter talks about his surprising freedom to roam around Iran, its pro-America sentiments, and a major myth about president Ahmadinejad.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:59 pm
by bitchtits
BUSH SUCKS..............lets go Democrats

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:28 pm
by diesel
party affiliation is worthless.. theres morons on both sides. party independence is a form of personal liberty.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:16 pm
by tote_
Jim Webb could be our next solid senator, because I am floored by this article I pulled off CNN. It's so good to see a fresh face taking the bull by the horns and not being so concerned with reaching across the aisle crap. That's how the liberals got into their public-image-predicament of elections past. May we never go bakc there again, and keep electing people like Jim Webb in razor thin races. ... index.html


Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:56 pm
by diesel
Saddam Hussein
4/28/1937 - 12/30/2006

the bush family poured out a 40oz

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:17 pm
by diesel
two very funny clips with stephen colbert vs. bill o'reilly

"what i do, bill, is i catch the world in my headlights of justice.." :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:26 pm
by JEFFfromNC
OK so was this a clean up effort or a "Hey look what we can do." ... index.html

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:59 pm
by diesel
JEFFfromNC wrote:OK so was this a clean up effort or a "Hey look what we can do." ... index.html
yeah definitely not a clean up effort b/c the destruction led to many pieces of space debris. this was a clear sign of their growing military / space power. the cold war / star wars II continues...