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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:16 pm
by kate9487
My first show was the one at Lupos they put out. What an amazing first show. I've never been so blown away by a show in my life.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:24 am
by Katie
Stumbled across Does my first semester of college in '00 and caught my first show either that fall or spring '01 at (the old) Higher Ground. Saw them at Berkfest that summer and by NYE '01 I was hooked.

This was when I was 18/19, which makes sense, since 18 was the minimum age restriction on most clubs they played. (I remember my big sis taking me to a few shows at Boston-area clubs in the mid-90s but most changed to 18+ around that time.) It's interesting that over the years, we've seen more people becoming fans at a younger age now that they have more access to the music through the Internet.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:42 am
by ScS
i had gotten a few shows in 2001 when i really got into trading and absolutely loved these guys. i tried to get everything i could. i graduated then went to ku and i was lucky enough to see them at the granada in lawrence. i had to borrow my buddies car to get to the show and that was no easy task. i was determined to see this show whether i had to walk or crawl or... i remember a few weeks earlier i had received angels come on time. i listened to that about a thousand times before i saw them and fell in love with the album and the band. seeing them live was just icing on the cake.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:50 pm
by Colin
i believe it was in 2003, in 7th grade
driving to maine with the family. my brother throws in their bonaroo set and i was hooked on december's children. so i really got into them from digging in his endless CD collection of shows. done deal

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:23 am
by Pstehley
most of my buddies from williamsport, PA ( I was going to Lock Haven at the time) we're already into the slip due to Creekside and various shows around the port and what not.. so i'd say late '99... but I didn't get to see them til early summer 2001 then I saw them like twice that summer and was hooked ever since...

I remember creekside 2001 walking up to the tent for the set and hearing rhythm and gold.. I was stoked! (only time I ever heard that song... and one of the only sets I couldn't find that I've looked for.. maybe not hard enough...)

They've definately come a long way.. and it's been really cool meeting alot of you on the way... ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:43 pm
by bear
My first show was at the Livingroom in the summer of 96, I was about to turn 16. They still had Johnny playing guitar too. That summer, the now defunct band Wetstew played every Thursday night and I went to see them but the Slip subbed for them on this night. The rest is history....

07/25/1996: Living Room: Providence, RI
Set I: ?*, Night Shift, Monk on the Run, ?instrumental?, Honey Melon, Sea Legs, Who the Hell is This Guy?, Crosstown Traffic
Set II: Photograph of the Idol**, The Weight of Solomon, ?, It Comes and It Goes***, Yellow Medicine, Eube
Notes: * opening jam w/ Brad on Keys, maybe an instrumental. ** A guest came onstage to recite a poem he wrote called "Photograph of the Idol" and the slip jammed in the background. *** tentative title, the lines "It comes and It goes" and "Oooh they come and they go" are sung alot in the song. This song was also played at 4.19.1997.

the "guest" was this guy Stanley something. He wrote a bunch of poetry. Years later I saw him selling ecstacy on Phish lot in New Jersey....

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:15 am
by johnhk4
first show was berkfest 2001. my first weekend ever away from my parents in high school. a weekend of many firsts, actually...

show was incredible. torque munf traneing yellow med dogs on bikes just to name a few! the "CD skipping jam" at the end of yellow medicine, rediculous bass work in dont foil the mohel... what actually completely hooked me was that you might say-ish jam at the end of spice groove. also that i was able to find the show online about a month later.

- john

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:15 pm
by crazyhat
2001.....3 days before 9/11 actually was the first experience. Worked at a music store, heard a lot about them, saw a copy of "Does", picked it up, and listened to it when I got home. Picked up "Live is My Jumby" next spring, was hooked even more. Didn't have a high-speed connection until mid '04, so that's when I started picking up a ton of the live stuff. Once I heard "Headshot>Meowskers" from "Live Electric" I knew this was the band for me!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:24 pm
by T-man
03/30/1997: The Western Front: Cambridge, MA
Set I: The Cintra, 54-46 Was My Number, Autobody Experience, Weight of Solomon*, Munf
Notes: Miracle Orchestra opened. * Brad on guitar (not Wurlitzer). 54-min. set. [Cleantone - 6/21/2005]
Remember really digging "54-46 Was My Number", I really used to like that back then and "War". "War" at the Western Front that would have been apropos?

Second show was the 5/21 Club Passim show, that was a special day!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:31 am
by rubio
I'm replying b/c Clinton is f**king old skool - 10 years man, crazy. My first show was at the middle east in 00 w/ the blue rags.

01/28/2000: Middle East: Cambridge, MA
Set I: Third Stone From the Sun* > Jam > Johnny's Tune, Cumulus, Rhythm-a-ning, Moral Decay *w/Blue Rags
Set II: Aptos, Joe Higley, Clementine, Lazilee, Dogs On Bikes

Then later that year my first slip show w/ L** - Inside what seemed to be an old church or something, lots of wood, no pews, but great windows high up on the walls. I remember FEELING The Slip for the first time, the tingles, the warmth, the way the music breathed. I remember Jason and Lara being there, were you?

04/16/2000: Brown University Spring Festival: Providence, RI
Set I: Air is the Body, Johnny's Tune, Nellie Jean > Phase 1 (a long tease) > Nellie Jean, Spice Groove, Alsoa, Trane-ing (w/some grungy teasing, notably Smells Like Teen Spirit), Gemini (Kingdom of Light), Moral Decay, Dogs on Bikes (quick Wade in the Water tease)

Most special show should be a poll too, but there are so many. I remember after 9/11 friends from NYC came up to boston to stay w/ me and we went to SLAC fest. Johnny's Tune w/ Jon Sco...sickee!

09/15/2001: S.L.A.C. Festival - Apeiron Fields: Coventry, RI
Set I: Intro (My Home Sweet Home, YFAH teases) > Johnny's Tune*, Nellie Jean > Once, Get Me with Fuji, Take A Beetle to the Badlands > One tease > Beetle, Rhythm-a-ning
Encore: Stand By Me#, Steel Pan jam** (Zion for a bit)
Notes: *w/John Scofield # by John Lennon, Ben E. King, Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller; first time played, w/Leslie Helpert ** w/Adam Deitch ]

So many solid memories too, institutions really, Rhodes on the Pawtucket, Lupos (remember how shitty the first one was) Berkfest, The Bowery, two nite runs at the Paradise, and so many road trips from boston. I think the first was PA. Lara, Meredith and I drove out to the Cell Block (opened the second set w/ jailhouse rock since it was an old Jail from back in the day CREEPY) and Murray's Inn (1st Imagine)and even Rochester in 03 (opened w/ Marley's War for George Bush)
03/07/2003: The Cell Block: Williamsport PA
Set I: Munf, Nellie Jean* > Rainmaker, Aptos> Dear Melina
Set II: Jailhouse Rock! > Moral Decay, Johnny's Tune, Soft Machine> Else%, Bad Ground> Tongue Jam> Rhythm and Gold
Notes: Ethan Fry, Patrick Stehley - Sunday, March 09, 2003 - * Dogs on Bikes Tease? ! 1st verse only.. in honor of the cell block). % Built to Spill cover.
03/08/2003: Murray's Inn: Wilkes-Barre PA
Set I: Sometimes There's Wine*, TEWDACYATM, Built for Zeal, Tenfold%, Get Me with Fuji, Tinderbox
Set II: The Lockless Door# > The Lucky Dragon^, Joe Higley, Before You Were Born, Dogs on Bikes
Encore: Imagine!, Sorry

03/21/2003: Club at Water Street: Rochester, NY
Set I: War*, Sometimes True to Nothing, Mudslide, Tinderbox, surf-y instrumental (played 3/27/01 also) > Imagine#
Set II: Dogs on Bikes> jam, Rainmaker, Yaki Soba, 74, Alsoa
Encore: Moral Decay> instrumental (with Before You Were Born-ish ending)
Notes: * Bob Marley cover (instrumental), maybe not played in full since 1998? (!? also played on 3/29). # by John Lennon. [ Katie Cultrera - kcultrera at - June 10, 2003, *jenn* - pittpharmgirl at - Sunday, March 23, 2003 ] Brad makes several comments about the war throughout the show and says "I wish George Bush could hear this one" just before Tinderbox.

Sorry, but I can't post w/o telling this one. Winter tour 03. My first show as the boy's roadie/merch guy/3rd man. At dinner beforehand our waitress (her first night too!) dropped this huge bowl of pasta w/ garlic and oil all over me! YIKES.....

And eventhough I'd seen the boys play over a dozen times, seeing 10 shows in two weeks was amazing. Four years later, I can honestly say I've seen BAM play over 100 times. Amazing! NUFF SAID Thanks boys!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:39 pm
Went to school in Ohio for 8 month, found friend of friend who introduced me to another who proceded to bring me to a house he didn't live in (129) and played for me a CD(Gecko) of a band he didn't really dig. Needless to say I was amazed. I had a tantric organsam during my first playthrough of my own copy of the disc. After much antisipation I caught my first show 12/30/02 @ the paradise and my second the next night a lupos. Both nights included James, Timo and Grayson on alto, tenor, and trumpet. If my life hadn't already change irevicably finally seeing them certainly did. There is no abreviating fanatical for me. T'was a strange series of event that lead me here and no telling where I'd be otherwise.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:00 pm
by bitchtits
i remember seeing them alot in 04 at revolution hall brad was sick, pearl street with the duo opening and the new years eve show in fall river i was hanging off of a speaker yelling one more song after "If One Of Us Should Fall" . Wow who was there for NuGroove in 05 i know Phrazz was there, that was so great walking to the campsites in the pitch dark ahh the memories

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:09 am
by etahn
1998-09-05 HSMF. BAM's first show in Cali, my first show w/BAM. It rained during Cumulus. Not torrential, just enough to let us know the gods were listening.

I saw Andrew hula-hooping.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:22 am
by BrentW
I saw them back in '98 opening for John Scofield at the Middle East. I thought they were pretty good at the time but it wasn't until later that year when a friend gave me a couple shows on CD that I became a big fan. After listening to a couple live shows I realized these guys were on to something.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:29 pm
by GeMeNeYe
That would be 1996, I think. Maybe 1997. At a Sunday (maybe Monday) brunch on Labor Day Weekend, I was in Allston visiting from Ann Arbor, and Albert Wing dropped in with a recording from the previous night's show in Providence. He immediately put it on and all I remember was some serious drumming and some happenin, raw sounding stuff -- and this was after the brunch-throwers had been playing A Love Supreme earlier.

Can't remember if I saw them live in 1996 - I think I did, but I know some of my first shows were in the summer of 97 at the Choppin Block. I remember being blown away by Cumulus, among other gems. I guess I truly became a fan in 97, having been introduced to the group in 96.

Amazing it's been more than ten years now. And quite a decade it's been! Thanks y'all!
