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Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 2:19 pm
by ScS
harrymcq wrote:
Dsanbensoff wrote:Is this a fact that they are skipping HSMF this year? why why why why WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? :evil:
There was a bunch of talk on around the time of the Davis sets in Austin, it's all on the archives on ustream. Brad got on the broadcast at one point and said that they were offered it but they declined. He was on again at another point and discussed it in more detail including talking about his trip to France and how he would be missing High Sierra thinking of it if he weren't there. He finished up by saying "of course we'll be there" but this could be taken as a joke or to imply that he would be there in spirit. I guess it's possible they will reverse the decision but I would be (happily!) surprised if they did go.

that's a shame. the 12 year(?) streak finally comes to an end.