Meet the newest member of the Stehley household...
Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:06 am
No.. Pam's not pregnant yet...
First night with our new dog, Cooper.. he rocks!!! Crate trained and was a little barky till we put his crate up in our room, then he mellowed out and went to sleep.. woke up this morning and took him for a walk.. Pam put him in the crate this morning to go to work and he wimpered a little, but then quieted down.... He knows the commands; Sit, Stay, Come, No, Good, Bad... all in all good listener.. bit of a licker, but all around great dog....
First night with our new dog, Cooper.. he rocks!!! Crate trained and was a little barky till we put his crate up in our room, then he mellowed out and went to sleep.. woke up this morning and took him for a walk.. Pam put him in the crate this morning to go to work and he wimpered a little, but then quieted down.... He knows the commands; Sit, Stay, Come, No, Good, Bad... all in all good listener.. bit of a licker, but all around great dog....