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So, I've really done it now...

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:28 pm
by appleofmyeye
!!! Last night I came home from seeing my friends HUGE Rooster play. I went to High School with most of these guys and I've been lucky to get to see them play and morph and grow throughout the past year. Anyhow, when I got home I was STARVING, right? So I ended up eating some chips, and they weren't the healthy kind :{ I have been trying to stay a vegetarian since July of 2005. Right before Katrina hit. I have slipped only a couple of times, so I thought. Like last night, the chips I ate had geletin in them and now I have to start all over again. I mean I don't eat fish or poultry either....and I love fish! So, anyhow I keep learning more along the way. I will keep on trying until I get it right. My reasons for wanting to become a vegetarian are many. I love animals and I don't approve of how these animals are raised for slaughter. If I had my way everyone who eats meat would eat kosher. In any case, I DO stay up on my proteins and minerals and vitamins as much as I can. Maybe someday I will allow myself to eat fish again but for now I'm going to do my best to eat raw foods as much as possible and to stay away from chips and pizza that I didn't make. I do eat cheese but I don't drink milk...I lOVE rice milk. I like cheese but I don't eat it very much. Honestly avocado has been replacing my cheese, such as when I make a sandwich. Anyone have any vegetarian tips???? I'm gonna get back on this horse and keep on ridin' until the sun sets on my moral needs and obligations. Geez, I hope that made sense to

~Peace ya'll~

Thanks for reading my crazy post.


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:30 pm
by appleofmyeye
Can you guys move this please? I meant to put it under conversations....I TRULY apologize :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:52 pm
by Katie
Moved the thread for you... no wories. :lol:

I've been vegetarian for about 5 years. I went to a residential college and the quality of cafeteria meat and the thought of where it came from... were among my motivations to make the change. (I'm no animal rights activist or anything, but from what I've read/seen about some slaughterhouse and poultry farm practices, it's certainly re-affirmed my personal decision.)

I've stuck with it mostly because once you get used to it, it gets easier. When I cook dinner at home I'll often make extra food to bring to work for lunch... things I can make in bulk like veggie burritos, homemade soup (or chili in the summer), or cucumber or avocado sushi rolls.

For take out food, Chinese and Indian restaurants are almost always vegetarian-friendly. If I go out for lunch at work I stick to salads, veggie sandwiches and soups. At home I keep some imitation meat products (veggie burgers, mock chicken, etc) in the freezer for throwing together something quick, and I'll often buy a plain frozen pizza and add my own toppings. One of my favorite vegetarian recipes is a lentil shepherd’s pie. I'll pm you the recipe if you're interested.

Good luck, and good for you for trying! I know for some people it isn't easy.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:14 pm
by appleofmyeye
Hey, thanks Katie ;} Well, I think that going over a year eating strictly vegetarian should count for something. I do admire the fact that you've been vegetarian for 5 years....that's excellent!!!! I too perfer to make my own food but sometimes you're just hungry you know and in those cases I will eat some fries or some cheese pizza but I'm trying to get out of that habit because I don't trust what's in food I didn't make myself. I would absolutely love that lentiul sheperd's pie recipe....BTW ;}

Now....So, you're saying throughout the past 5 years you've never slipped???? Hmmm....well good for you! I personally grew up with a grandfather who was a big, grow your own food, slaughter your own meat kind of guy, so maybe that's why I broke down a couple of months ago and had eaten meat for the first time in over a year....but the very next day I started all over again. Do you eat candy? Candy and alot of pastrys have geletin in it most of the unless you don't make it are eating it. Anyhow, like I said before, staying away from fish has been the hardest part for me. But I just make sure I fill up on pastas, pizzas, soups, curries, salads, chili....etc. that I have made myself. I haven't tried making sushi yet...but that's one of the next things on my list. I know of a few sushi places around here that make a yummy veggie rool with tempura sweet potato, avocado, carrots, cucumber and woman, let me tell you....IT'S THE BEST!!!! Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it ;}


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:03 pm
by Katie
Sorry, it's hard to perceive tone in writing... but absolutely I think a going a whole year being strict about it counts! (I commended you for 'trying' because it sounded at first like you were giving up... oops.)

To be honest, no I don't always look for gelatin, but I try not to eat a lot of sweets cause I get cavities more easily than the average person, and it really sucks. (Chocolate is my biggest weakness.) I keep an eye out for animal fat, and will ask about food at restaurants, but I try and stay positive about it. I'm sure I must have given in and consciously ate chicken within the first year, and probably didn't like how it made me feel so eventually I didn't go back. But I don't consider eating gelatin one night, or accidentally eating something at a restaurant with chicken broth, as falling off the bandwagon. Just by consciously avoiding chicken, beef, pork, etc... you're doing a good thing in saving animals, and helping the environment by saving resources that are used for livestock... To me, that's plenty feel good about, so I don't worry over the small stuff too much.

I know PETA used to have a list of gelatin-free candies online, and my local food co-op sells vegan cookies and ice-cream treats. The vegan sweets are expensive, but if you're really craving something sweet and want to be sure you're avoiding animal products, they're a good option.

I guess I'm lucky that I never really liked fish too much. Odd that I don't like fish, yet think seaweed wraps are yummy... those sushi rolls sound good! The only draw back with making your own is the time it takes to slice up so many small pieces. I'll see if I can dig up a few good recipes for you, and feel free to share any good ones with me, sounds like you cook a lot. 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:12 pm
by rhythmicstorm

i've been vegetarian (with periods of being vegan) for over 8 years and counting and have never once missed meat. i guess i'm lucky. i don't eat eggs either (or fish/seafood). i rarely eat cheese and never drink cow's milk. although it might seem very limiting, the fact is, when i became vegan the whole colorful world of vegetables opened up. my pallet actually expanded.

my best advice is to make soups, lots of soups. my favorite is a coconut/lime vegetable soup with quinoa. have you heard of quinoa? the most amazing thing is, it's a grain that is a complete protein. the only other way to get a complete protein is soy or rice&beans. (or eggs maybe) it cooks relatively fast (20-25 minutes) and can go in anything.

when first being veg, i think it's common to reach mostly for the breads and cheeses. give yourself a break while you're transitioning, and try to experiment with new recipes. do you have friends that are veg too? community meals/potlucks are a good way to learn about new dishes.

feel free to email or pm me if you have any questions or need support.
i'll probably see you in hollywood on sunday, no?


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:28 pm
by appleofmyeye
Katie -- Yes, I agree with you whole heartily on what you said in your last post. I heard from a guy who knows alot about nutrition and he told me to eat alot of chocolate ;} Chocolate is supposed to be very good for you. He also told me that legumes are very important to eat when you are vegetarian.....I'm sure you knew that already though. Another staple for protein is walnuts, which I tend to put in my salads....they are great to get your omega 3s that are also very important to your health....if you don't eat fish. I read the labels on foods that are not raw, of course and that helps to stay away from things I know are just not good for me to intake. I love to cook when I can and I will be more than happy to share some recipes with you. I've tried the mock meat but I don't really have a taste for it. I do love tofu and it is a great way to fill up. I love using it in soups as well as stir fry and curries. Like I said I'm going to keep on doing my best. My biggest downfall is not cooking enough and this conversation here is really helping me to remember how much I love to and how much healthier it is. Thanks again for all your helpful input. Take good care & thanks for being so awesome!!!!!

Sara -- Wow, that is so wonderful that you have been veg for that long amount of time ;} No, I haven't heard of quinoa but I will look into it. That coconut lime soup sounds really good! Kinda sounds like Tom Yum....that thai soup with lemon grass and coconut milk. I love to eat that soup with fried tofu and rice. Eggs, well I try to stay away from them but it's really hard for me when it's put into alots of breads and I LOVE bread....probably why I haven't lost much weight in the past couple years! Oh, well at least I haven't gained any :roll: My older brother has been a vegetarian for about 9 or 10 years but other than him I don't really know many people around here that are. Alot of my friends do make some awesome vege cuisine! All in all, it has been pretty easy for me. I've always loved vegetables and most of my life I have eaten vege just because I tend to like it better so the transition hasn't been as hard as it could've been. I'm not sure if I want to become vegan....right now I'm pretty happy with what I've been doing but the most important thing is to cook more! I will for sure be there in Hollywood on sunday....yippee!! I have some friends staying at The Roosevelt and I'm staying a few blocks away from the venue ;} We shall be up there in the afternoon so maybe we'll run into each other some where. I think I'll go to the Lucky Strike to bowl a little bit before the show.....I like that place. Too bad they aren't playing a longer show, it would be soooooo nice to hear you sing with the lads again. Oh, and I'd love to swap recipes with you as well! Take good care Sara. Maybe I'll see you at the show.

lots O' love to you,