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my dream last night

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:42 pm
by putty
So this is my dream last night that woke me up at 5:30 this morning.
It was so strange and intense that I had to write down as much as I
could remember. After looking at what I wrote down, this is what the
dream consisted of.

I was at my old house on Trilithon Rd., in Midlothian, Va., just south
of Richmond. Except now my house has big glass windows all across the
back and side of the house, so you can see in to where me and three
friends are sitting. One of the friends is Zack, but I don't remember
who the other two were. We were smoking weed, and one of the guys was
talking about how he's going to start hanging out more now that he
isn't learning under the tutelage of another of our friends.
Apparently this guy just followed some other guy around to learn from

So we're sitting there, and see my next door neighbor, Mr. Charlie
Teefey walking around in the back yard, and kinda looking over at us.
a note: When I lived in Richmond, Mr. Teefey had two kids and a wife.
He died of a heart attack a couple years after I moved to Savannah.
Back to the dream: So, I'm kinda worried about Mr. Teefey seeing us
smoking, so I put the bowl down just under the edge of the window on
the floor, get up and walk out and over to talk to him. He takes me
into his basement, which they didn't have when I lived there, and he's
playing The Gleam by The Avett Brothers. He's also kinda grey, and
just looks different. Very calm, and friendly and seemingly really

Just remembered, the reason why he was coming over to us, was to tell
us about something he had found in his basement, and that's why he
took me over there. He had this basement that appeared to be carved
into solid rock. All the walls were rocks, like a cave, but he had
furniture in there and a big flat screen TV. He was always finding old
artifacts in the basement, and this time he had found a 100 year old
copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf. note: the book was published in 1926, but
in the dream, it was 100 years old.

Mr. Teefey was so excited about finding this book. I remember him
saying "I can't believe this. I'm shaking right now." He went on to
tell me how he had previously found an original copy of a book of
Elvis lyrics, and an old Spanish warrior's helmet from the Civil War.

So, since he was acting so cool, and had this kickass basement, I went
over to get my friends at my house. When I came back over to the
Teefey's, he was out in the yard with a woman and a child, and just
told us to go on in. Instead of going in the basement, we went up in
the kitchen, which used to be a biscuit store.

On all the big trees on our street, carved into the side was "$1" and
a big "B" meaning one dollar biscuits. It was advertising for the old
Teefey biscuit kitchen. But apparently Regina Spektor had moved into
town and opened up a biscuit kitchen of her own, and put the Teefey
biscuit kitchen out of business. note: Keep in mind, this is all in my
dream, and none of it is true.

So, we're now all in the kitchen, where we find two dogs. One is a
little stringy haired fur ball named Mitzi, who was a Yankees fan. The
other dog was a boston terrier and didn't have a name, but it could
talk. The only thing it could say, though, was "god dammit." We were
chasing these dogs around the house and they were chasing us. But
whenever we took a toy from the boston terrier, it would complain,
"god dammit god dammit god dammit!" It didn't bark at all, just sin.

So after a while of that, I went outside, just as Mr. Teefey was
walking up from the back of the back yard. The woman he was with had
turned into an old man, and the child was gone. We all went in the
basement, where the other old man and Zack were playing Super Mario
Brothers on the big flat screen. I remember at this point, I looked
over to Mr. Teefey and noticed how grey he was. I asked him, "Are you
a ghost? Didn't you have a heart attack?" He answered "Yes. I am a
ghost." Then he smiled really big and the sides of his mouth stretched
around his face to the back of his head.

So, Mr. Teefey was showing us around the basement, when we came to one
side where there was a door to the outside. Out of nowhere, a gun went
off right outside the door, and everyone scattered but me and one
other person, who was holding their foot to the door so no one could
get in. But then, the person just let their foot off the door and a
guy came in with a gun. I started to run into another room of the
basement cave, but felt like I was running in quick sand, couldn't go
anywhere fast enough. I had this terrible feeling that I was going to
get shot, but I dove and crawled around the corner before the intruder
even fired his gun, and that's when I woke up.