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Happy Holidays Slipsters

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:03 am
by putty
get it. hipsters. slip fans. heh.

Anyway, hope y'all have a good Christmas and New Years. If you celebrate Hanakkuh or anything else, or just celebrate being alive, I hope you do it safely and with the ones you love.

I turn 27 this Sunday. I hope no one forgets, as the song implies.

And if you're looking for a good holiday drink to make for your friends or family, go with the Old Fashioned.

Bourbon Old-Fashioned recipe
2 dashes bitters
1 tsp water
1 sugar cube
3 oz bourbon whiskey
1 slice orange
1 maraschino cherry

In an old-fashioned glass, muddle the bitters, fruit and water into the sugar cube, using the back of a teaspoon. Almost fill the glass with ice cubes and add the bourbon. You can also add water or soda water. I like a splash of soda in there.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:58 am
by Pstehley
right back at ya.. gonna tell the families this weekend about the little one coming.. should make for an exciting holiday..

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:14 pm
by JEFFfromNC

An Old Fashion is my favorite alcoholic beverage. It's not very often you see it mentioned. It's also not very often you find a bar tender who knows what it is, atleast in my experiences. Merry Christmas!!

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:23 pm
by hoby
headnugg wrote:***I wrote Happy F*CKING Hanukah and it was edited. You see, as a Jew I get very frustrated and frankly, angry, at this time of the year. When all the public decorations say Merry Xmas, or are at least directed towards Xmas. There are almost never any public Hanukah decorations or wishes for people to have a Happy Hanukah. So it makes me mad, we're like the forgotten people around this time of the year.
"...around this time of year?"

Zionist conspiracy theorists notwithstanding, we live in a Christian state. Much of what does or doesn't happen politically and socially (and economically) in this country is dictated to some extent by the religious beliefs of that one sect of organized craziness (sorry, my personal prejudice against organized religion is showing).
There should be no editing or trimming of anyone's posts here.
I couldn't disagree more strongly but I'm not going to waste time coming up with the numerous examples to prove my point.
You keep saying that as if it's some blanket protection.
F*ck censorship.
:lol: There's an old joke, or at least a bumpersticker, in there somewhere.
We're all adults here.
Some people would say that being an adult means being able to express yourself without resorting to swearing. But they could be wrong.
If people can't handle me swearing, than message me and tell me,
Truth be told, your misuse of "than" for "then" bothers me much more than the swearing. I'm funny that way, but at least I had the balls to tell you.
and I'll keep doing it anyway,
Then why should they bother to tell you? Would you at least acknowledge their discomfort?
but at least you had the balls to let me know and didn't just edit me(without asking me or even alerting me)
Yeah, I suppose the admin who did the editing should let you know that it went down and why. But I'm not an admin so I don't know the etiquette of how that stuff works.

Do we have clearly stated rules of behavior for this forum? Do they include no swearing? I've seen more offensive things go by here. I checked out for quite a while in the beginning because it seemed like 80% of the posts were just people calling each other "bitch."
And this is the 2nd time one of my posts has been edited and I'm getting pissed off.....
If I'm remembering the first instance correctly, that was an accident and the admin said so publicly. I think you can safely let that one go and focus all your anger on this one.

But whatever you do, be sure to have a HAPPY F*CKIN HOLIDAY OF YOUR CHOICE.

See, even though I've been a Jew probably twice as long as you, I'm not going to say "Happy Hannukah" because that would be slighting the people who celebrate any of the numerous other solstice-related festivals of light that occur at this time of year.

So instead I'll offer...



more rants

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:15 pm
by Big Bob
headnugg wrote:
People that think adults shouldn't swear are WRONG. I love swearing and will continue to do it at will, ***, whenever I want, SH*T, there's no rule against it that I know of, and we are all adults here so I think we can all handle it.......If I couldn't swear I don't know how I would be able to survive.....I would definitely acknowledge people's discomfort when I swear and then I would do it some more....
[edited by Phrazz]

I believe that there is actually a law against "fighting words," meaning that words that could be used to incite violence in the hearer of said words are punishable by law.

[Actually, yes, this is correct.]

However, it was concluded that no absolute list of "fighting words" can be made as language is constantly evolving and words can be used in different contexts.

[Context and intent are very important here]

Although, despite the existence of this law, no one has ever been found guilty of it.

[That is not exactly true]

So I wouldn't be too worried about being arrested, Headnugg, but watch out. There's a first time for everything.

[Civil action will not be pursued if all parties can remain civil. However, this board Admin has every right to pursue civil action in a court of law. We have a Charter - read it, and heed it. If you do not like these rules, you are welcome to explain your point and the Moderators will vote to adjust the Charter if deemed necessary. In the event you can show that you are mature enough to be considered a Moderator, we will put that to a vote as well and may welcome you to our midst. Until then, please be careful about what you write in this public forum.]
In 1942, the Supreme Court sustained the conviction of a Jehovah's witness who addressed a police officer as a "God dammed racketeer" and "a damned facist" (Chaplinksy v. New Hampshire). The Court's opinion in the case stated that there was a category of face-to-face epithets, or "fighting words," that was wholly outside of the protection of the First Amendment: those words "which by their very utterance inflict injury" and which "are no essential part of any exposition of ideas." ... speech.htm

[Thanks, this is a good enough example for our purposes, and we can provide others.]

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:21 pm
by JEFFfromNC
headnugg wrote: You see, as a Jew I get very frustrated and frankly, angry, at this time of the year. When all the public decorations say Merry Xmas, or are at least directed towards Xmas. There are almost never any public Hanukah decorations or wishes for people to have a Happy Hanukah.

And this surprises you why? Maybe a quick Google search on religion statics in America would give you answers....
America is largely a Christian nation
Of the 85% of Americans with a Christian connection, Protestant groups make up about 49%, Roman Catholics 28%, Eastern Orthodox, Armenian and Polish National Catholics 4%, with the remaining 4% split between The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarians and Christian Scientists. The largest and most prominent non-Christian group is the Jews, about 3% of the population. The Islamic and Hindu populations are growing due to immigration.
headnugg wrote: SO I wrote have a happy F*CKING Hanukah, and some MOD edited it. And that's not cool. There should be no editing or trimming of anyone's posts here. THIS IS AMERICA for f*ck sake. F*ck censorship. We're all adults here.

Though I was not the MOD that edited you post, I did think about it. Stop being selfish and realize that people, like myself, frequent this board from WORK. We don't need to have profanity or pornography up on our screens. I swear a lot myself, but there is a time and place for everything.
headnugg wrote: We're all adults here.

That's questionable considering this nice, happy, and innocent topic has been turned upside down by whom?

By quoting me you are specifically looking at my Merry Christmas Wishes. Well I am not Jewish, I am an agnostic whom mostly leans towards Christianity, So Merry Christmas.

In summary, GET OVER IT and stop spewing anger in a place people are trying to do the complete opposite.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:33 pm
by hoby
headnugg wrote: First I will say this: Hoby, you are the man. Merry F*cking Kwanzaa to you.....
:lol: :D :lol: :D
THEN, I will say this: I spelled THEN wrong, THAN, I meant to write THEN,
I figured as much. I was just bustin' on ya and making some sort of comment about language.
I do resent the fact that around this time of year it's like in the public eye Hanukah does not exist.

Thing is, there is SOOO much more consciousness about other traditions than there used to be.
I couldn't disagree more strongly with the fact that you disagree strongly about trimming/editing people's posts.......It's okay if I want to trim or edit my own post, but it is NOT okay for a mod to do it.....
You can disagree with my position, but not with the fact that I hold it. Just bustin' on ya again.

Anyway, when you join a community (such as this board), you implicitly agree to abide by certain codes of behavior. One of them is that there will be arbiters of what behavior runs contrary to the common good. In the meat world it's lawmakers and cops. Here it's the mods.

This is a discussion I'm always willing to have but is better suited to its own thread.
People that think adults shouldn't swear are WRONG.
Re-read what I wrote. It's not about whether you should be allowed to swear. It's about a characterstic of adulthood being the ability to express yourself without swearing.

And ya know what? I don't think the editing is about swearing. After all, we had a nice long thread about your "f*ck the beatles" rant and you didn't get edited in that one.

I think this is more about context. This thread started out as a "happy holidays community gathering around the virtual hearth together" thing and you hijacked it.

(BTW, I do recognize that, despite Phrazz's best efforts at redirection, I am contributing to the hijacking at this point.)

So I think the editing had more to do with context than the actual word.
I love swearing and will continue to do it at will, FACK, whenever I want, SHEEEEIT, there's no rule against it that I know of,
OK, this sounds more like tourette's than rebellion. And, just for the record, I'm pretty sure there are lots of rules against swearing. The formal ones are mostly ignored and the informal ones are very much in force. Would you really swear like that at a relative's funeral? At a job interview?
and we are all adults here
Not judging by the number of complaints about 21+ shows. :)
so I think we can all handle it
I don't think it's about handling it. I think it's about the context.
.......If I couldn't swear I don't know how I would be able to survive.....
Sounds like an addict to me. At least you can admit your problem. That's the first step.
Regarding the first editing incident, it was a mistake, but I believe it happened to me twice in that thread
I don't remember that but I'm too lazy to go back and check.
......but still, it should NEVER happen....
Never is a long time.
sorry for the rants
They have their place. This thread may not have been the place for this rant, is all.
peace to all
Back atchya.

Secular State

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:02 pm
America is largely a Christian nation
Of the 85% of Americans with a Christian connection, Protestant groups make up about 49%, Roman Catholics 28%, Eastern Orthodox, Armenian and Polish National Catholics 4%, with the remaining 4% split between The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarians and Christian Scientists. The largest and most prominent non-Christian group is the Jews, about 3% of the population. The Islamic and Hindu populations are growing due to immigration.
Even so America is a secular state founded on religous freedom. But, what does x-mas now and day have to do with religon. If christmas was still religious hannuka would still be an insignificant little festival.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:18 pm
by tim

Please people, let's be nice

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:22 pm
by Phrazz
I was the one who removed the offensive term, and didn't think it would exacerbate any hostility anyone already has, just trying to keep it civil.

Obviously if you can't be civil then you need to find another board. This board is not a Democracy -- read our Charter. If you have a problem, email me. If you continue to vent hostility in an offensive way, your account will be locked and if you continue beyond that your IP will be blocked.

Sorry, but those are the rules. Play nice or you can create your own board. We're all friends here, no need to be offended at a little edit.

Don't you think you're overreacting?

The religious undertones have nothing to do with my edits, and your freedom of speech does not give you the right to spot vexatous diatribe at anyone or noone in general. You can not reserve the right to use obscene language, and certainly not simply because you are angry.
