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web hosting recommendations?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:57 pm
by magpie
hey y'all
i'm looking for basic low cost *reliable* web hosting, preferably with an intuitive easy to use user/account interface. any suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:04 pm
by Guest

Site 5 looks cool

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:35 am
by Phrazz
Seems great at first glance. Having local support is key, and lots of space for a great price. Maybe I'll give them a closer look. What site(s) have you set up on this provider? [feel free to email me if you don't want it publicized]

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:47 am
by GeMeNeYe
site5 is super reliable and super cheap. we use it to host my office's website, which is a rather small and undemanding site, but we've never had any problems in 2 or 3 years and site5 is easy to access for html editing via ftp or through site5's own online web-based editor.


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:13 pm
by JEFFfromNC
I Just purchased space from here:

200GB of Space
2TB of Bandwidth per month.
All of the bells and whistles.
$4.95 if you sign up for 2 years.
I think I paid a total of $118 for two years.

specs look ok at glance

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:15 pm
by Phrazz
Hmmm...Orem Utah or California? The specs look OK, but Site5's help board shows they are real people. The HostMonster name and layout looks like generic 'cookie cutter' ISP, which is about what Lypha resembles. At least both are domestic and the specs look OK, but finding out how many virtual hosts they put on a physical server is a big deal -- the cookie cutters like Lypha overload to the max and this bogs things down. I'm also not so sure Utah is better connected than southern CA. This makes a big difference in the long haul, particularly back to the east coast (main fan base, but also more net competition, particularly peak demand hours since CA is three hours later).

I'm going to sign up for site5 and give it a spin from the inside. That's the only way to really know for sure what their tech support is really like. Lypha has been pretty bad, which is my main reason for seeking alternatives. Site5 looks very cool, HostMonster only sorta cool (great specs, but the site looks fake and I don't see names, so maybe they're on a boat somewhere :).

Thanks for the insight and if you have examples of support (like issues you've dealt with and have had resolved, problems fixed on the first try, etc), that is bigger to me than just raw I/O or space (a hassle free hosting relationship ;-}). All the bells aren't necessary, but bells that work well are better in my book. I mean: a broken bell is worse than a broken guitar string.


Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:27 pm
by magpie
i'm soaking up any info i can get... i've taken on revamping my bf's site, diving in headfirst so to speak, as i've never done anything like this before.
what i've discovered so far is that his current host is *not* user friendly. i've got less than two weeks to find another host. any and all advice is appreciated!!