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Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:27 pm
by bitchtits
i was listening to 7-5-00 to Eube and i really miss the jazzy intro to the song "I woke this morning here to find myself" i want it back anyone else?

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:33 pm
by Guest
yes, and some jonny's tune and some dogs on bikes

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:55 pm
by tyler
I like the bluesy Eube much better than the old one actually. Wouldn't mind Dogs on Bikes or Johnny's Tune more often though.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:42 pm
by harrymcq
I loved the Eube (Neube?) at NYE which was just Part 2. I also like the other new Eube from the 4/15/06 Narrows show which is part 1 +2 but a bluesier Part 1. Of course I also like the old Eube's but in general I am happy to hear any variant.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:55 pm
by Luke
Had a chat with the boys about songs like these when they were through Canada and I'm not holding my breath. They said they'd played Dogs On Bikes like six months earlier (and didn't sound like they were in a hurry to repeat). Johnny's sounds like a lost cause. Couldn't even run the betting line on what a Eube would come up as.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:05 am
by Dan
they didnt even write johnny's tune
johnny wrote it

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:57 am
There is a small group of dudes that go to shows in the New England area that always have a Eube sign. At this point, it's not even so much that they expect that the band will play it every time they see them, but more out of a tradition. In any event, yeah, great tune.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:21 pm
by harrymcq
Re: Johnny's Tune - Who's Johnny??? I always guessed Scofield but was never sure.

It seems they have settled in to Wolof and Get Me With Fuji as their jammy instrumental numbers. Also Moderate Threat > Cowboy Up.

What about some other tunes for that 'slot' in the setlist. Other than Johnny's Tune and Dogs I think that So Dope is the most serious contender. What about Tenfold? Or Don't Foil the Mohel? Rhythm-a-ning?

I'm not asking for a 2000 show or anything but I do think the setlist could use a bit of a shake-up.

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 5:17 pm
by Dan
johnny was the former guitarist to The Slip, he has since gone off to i think NASA or something like that

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:24 am
by harrymcq
hmm, before it was BAM. Who's writing the Slip bio? I hope someone is saving all these interviews and articles online and in print lately, I sure haven't had the time/energy to do so.

I also nominate Spice Groove as a modern jam vehicle. Or even Jumby or Gecko...

Moral Decay has lyrics but I could also see it fitting in their modern post-Eisenhower setlist.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:21 pm
by tim
Dan wrote:johnny was the former guitarist to The Slip, he has since gone off to i think NASA or something like that
funny thing is that he's still listed as a band member at allmusic.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:22 pm
by Luke
It seems they have settled in to Wolof and Get Me With Fuji as their jammy instrumental numbers.
This really bothers me. REALLY. I understand the bands need to stay creative but Fuji and Wolof strike me as particularly boring songs to listen to (I hate when they waste a chunk of the setlist) and I can't fathom how the group enjoys playing them on a creative level (I suspect they don't quite). Same for Poor Boy, I could never hear that again and that would be fine although the version with It's A Long Way To The Top was something else.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:57 pm
by Dan
pay attention

both songs are similar can you guess how?

Marc plays basicly the same line throughout most of the song yet, he changes up practically every pass the rhythm of how it is played. it is a masterful task that many people will over look. when you get lost in this trance of following marc, andrew is there to slap your face with syncopation and then brad just melts your face

=the end

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:07 pm
by harrymcq
For the record I love Fuji and Wolof. They often are the highlight of a show for me, I dig it when they go for the deep space. Every time is different. My point was that since they have so many good jam vehicles from the old days they could mix it up a little bit.


Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:30 am
by johnhk4
luke, you're rediculous -- 'waste a chunk of time?' yikes.

i hope johnny joined NASA and doesn't have a crazy astro-chick chasing him around in a diaper driven road trip.

the last time i saw johnny's tune was i believe was 10-1-04.. a non-taped show at clark university which was actually reallllly good.

another great johnny's tune was 5-1-03.. they were having an awsoem time, and even threw in the intro to spice groove jam for a bit
