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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:54 am
by Pstehley
Current Newsdisplay as list display details

Phish returns to the stage for three concerts at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia on March 6, 7 and 8, 2009.

A limited number of tickets are available directly through Phish Tickets' online ticketing system at . The ticketing request period is currently underway and will end on Wednesday, October 8th at 11:59AM EST.

Tickets go on sale to the public on Saturday, October 18th at 10 AM EST and may be purchased online at or by phone at 757.671.8100, 757.872.8100 or 804.262.8100. Tickets will not be available at the venue box office and there is a two-ticket limit per show.

The band intends to announce additional touring in 2009 early next year.

Don't know if any of you care.. but I'm freaking excited!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:12 am
by Smoove Smiff
Damn, that won't sell out quickly or anything...

...a surprise to see this news, as the breakup was a very necessary thing back in 2004. Hopefully Trey has gotten his shit together, and they will do some major rehearsing before touring - a wagon they had fallen off towards the end. All in all, who knows? It could be amazing....

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:10 am
by lucasdavidsamuels
the great thing is that they are announcing more tour dates soon
i'm going to wait it out a bit and hope they come to toronto or somewhere close
the reunion shows will probably be spectacular, but hopefully midway through a tour they will be reeeallllllyyy on
the demand for these shows is going to be sooo heavy that they really should do a tour of phish festivals, lord knows they'd sell every single one out, that would be epic

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:44 pm
by putty
It's amazing how little I care about this news, compared to how excited I used to get about Phish. I just don't like their music anymore. I don't think I've listened to a full song of theirs in years.

Who's the opener?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:44 pm
by Phrazz
Ok, if I had my vote it would be for The Slip to open for Phish. They recorded Angels in Trey's barn, right? Could they handle it? I sure hope so!

Hmmm...I ordered 2 tix to each of the 3 Hampton shows. I need to see with my own eyes if Phish has still got it. I bet the first show will have some rusty moments, but I expect by the third they'll be on fire.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:01 pm
by pete
Gotta echo putty's feelings about this one.

I'm far more excited about seeing the boys play with Sonya.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:34 pm
by tyler
I might get kicked out of Burlington for saying this, I never was able to get into Phish to begin with. never quite figured out what was so special about them, apart from the fact that they were good at their instruments. so I guess I'm indifferent to this news.

now if only it were Pavement we were talking about...

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:35 pm
by harrymcq
I'm not as excited as I thought I might be considering how many Phish shows I've seen (since '92) but I did order tix and get a hotel room so it's not like I'm off the bus or anything. It does seem a bit soon to me which is kind of scary as I felt the same way when they came back after the hiatus and it indeed turned out to be way too soon. I certainly don't listen to Phish like I used to but whenever I do put on a show or something comes up on random I still dig it for sure.

I'd be more excited for a Slip national tour (and I mean The Slip, not Sonya or Davis - not that I don't like those but I am so ready for The Slip to get back together.)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:27 pm
by magpie
i'll echo sentiments of not being as excited about this as i possibly could be, and if they end up playing somewhere close it's possible i might try to go. but as it is, it's VERY cool to me that the first shows announced are for hampton colliseum. i'd heard reported for years that hampton was one of their favorite places to play (the dead too). it used to be one of my "hometown" (or homestate) venues...

long live spaceship hampton!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:44 pm
by bitchtits
yea i have to say i have such a deep love for these guys and their music, and for some reason i wasn't as excited as i thought i would be to hear the news. On the other hand you better believe i put in for 2 tix to each night, cause im not missing this mothership here i come.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:48 pm
by lucasdavidsamuels
i'm absolutely pumped for the reunion and the tour that will follow, maybe its because i grew up listening to phish but never actually got to see them live
i've also had tickets to go see trey twice, once solo and once with gordo and the duo but unfortunately had to sell my tickets on both occassions
anyways ill definitly be pulling a mission to see them a few times, just not at hampton

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:36 am
by Caleb
So here's the thing, TONS of hotels down there are already sold out...

Tickets arent even on sale yet.

Anyone have any advice? OR wanna let me crash @ your hotel :)?

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:55 am
by BrentW
I am psyched to see them again. I didn't go in 2003 or 2004 when they got back together, had no interest at the time. I really listened to them hardcore from 1992-2000 but then put them down for about 5 years. Over the past couple years I've been listening to them regularly again. I find that the songs I love, I really love. The ones that I've heard a million times and never really hit me back then, I could now really do without (Golgi, Sparkle, Guyute, Harry Hood-seems like they played that everytime I saw them). If they come near my neck of the woods I am definetely there.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:32 am
by lumpy
hotel rooms will open up as people cancel them. I've got 2 rooms booked in Newport News - a 5 minute cab ride from the mothership. Give a call to some places in Newport News, there may be some left

Tickets are the stress-factor - but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm with Harry - this doesn't seem like it's been long enough. I don't listen to them like I used to - but I know I'd be pretty excited for a Mike's Groove right about now :-)

I'd be more excited for a Slip tour....

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:13 am
by bear
I'd be WAY more excited for a Slip tour -agreed on the harry non-Sonya non SMMD sentiment - I miss just the Slip shows - that said...

I saw Trey solo acoustic at Newport this year and am seeing TAB in a couple weeks. It's nowhere near the same. I love Trey but he really is only good with Phish. I'm not as excited as I thought I would be considering I've quit jobs, spent savings and been to many parts of this country solely to see Phish play... I will try and be at Hampton show. Although my musical interests have altered since my jamband days, Phish's live show (even a "bad" Phish show) trumps almost any other band I've seen. The spectacle, the audience vibe, the light show, the crisp sound system, the attention to detail with set lists... Phish is the best at it in my opinion.

it will be nice to see them live again - whether it be at Hampton or further on down the road. Welcome back boys....