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Friday 9-28 Free Barr Brothers Show in Pittsburgh!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:18 am
by Pstehley
Yinz... wow, it's been a while since I've really posted or read on here.. the time has really flown by and I hope yinz are doing well...

Anyway.. this friday...
WYEP Final Fridays at Schenley Plaza
September 28, 2012
Barr Brothers

Join us September 28 at 7pm when Barr Brothers play live under the tent at Schenley Plaza. Each Final Fridays performance is free and open to all ages.

Watch Beggar in the Morning from their self-titled release.

And, as part of Hunger Action Month, we're teaming up with the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project for a tote drive!

The Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project collects new or gently used bags to donate to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to use at their food distribution sites. Drop off a tote bag* (or two, or three) to the WYEP table at this month's Final Friday, and you'll be helping families in need.

*Acceptable bags include: traditional totes, backpacks (adult and children sizes) and any sort of related sack that would carry some groceries. ... nley-plaza

I'll be there, probably with a little blonde haired 4 y/o monkey girl on my shoulders (excited it'll be her first time see the brothers Barr)... hope to see yinz there!

Re: Friday 9-28 Free Barr Brothers Show in Pittsburgh!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:02 am
by booher
Just so happens my friend is flying down to Pittsburgh on Friday morning. I'll let him know!