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Nathan Moore Defense Fund

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:04 pm
by Katie
I wondered over to the Thought Swap Parlor on today looking for news about High Sierra and the SMMD set, and discovered news that Nathan Moore encountered legal trouble when ThaMuseMeant's bus was pulled over on the way to the festival. I haven't heard mention anywhere that BAM were involved, had any trouble, or anything (don't want to start rumours!)... but I'm sure they must be concerned for Nathan. There's a thread on the Thought Swap Parlor about a legal defense fund that has been set-up for Nathan, they are taking donations and sales of Nathan's CDs through the Frogville store will go toward the fund as well. I don't know much else about it and suggest you visit's msg board if you want to find out more, I just wanted to bring it to everyone's attention so hopefully we can give a little help to our friends.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:43 am
by tim

sounds like a classic case of profiling>set up>illegal search and seizure. hopefully he can get a lawyer who will help him walk away scott free cause even probation puts you in "the system" which is a real chore and opens you up to all sorts of avenues of total suckness.

i know alot of us will be traveling this summer so don't let this shit happen to you!!! travel smart and safe! wear seatbelts, obey speed limits, use turn signals, make sure you lights all work, keep contraband in the trunk and all that other shit that's no fun to do...

this is worth knowing>>>

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:08 pm
by Tara
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Katie. It's looks like i'm going to finally buy that Nathan Moore cd i've been wanting.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:48 pm
by Cleantone
I just read a Duo email list that mentions Brad being arrested. Rumors rumors rumors... No good can come from them.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:10 pm
by Katie
Cleantone wrote:I just read a Duo email list that mentions Brad being arrested. Rumors rumors rumors... No good can come from them.
...yeah, that's why I wanted to be very careful to say I know nothing of BAM being involved. I guess news of this was buzzing at the festival and that's where some rumours started when people starting hearing it was a member of The Slip or something...

I think I'll be purchasing some CDs too... and hoping they get good legal council and that the 4th Amendment comes to his rescue on this one.