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The Barrs..of Montreal now

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:05 am
by SlippedDisc
WOndered what people thought of the Barrs moving to Montreal. Maybe this has been discussed already (haven't been by in a long time) but my assessment would be that this is good for the Barrs and questionable for the future of the Slip.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:27 am
by daver
I'm surprised there hasn't been more/any talk about this here.
2005 - The trio spends the first half of the year ceaselessly recording their new album and plotting their revival. The Barr Brothers move to the radiant city of Montreal, Que., while Marc continues to grow ideas in Boston. What will become of these modern troubadours? Rumors abound: a new album, visits to China, more strange collaborations with hobo poets.
Welcome to Canada!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:22 am
by bouche
Being from Ottawa, only 1.5 hours from montreal, I am happy about the move. I also now need to figure out how to get Barr Bros. to my house for dinner and jams in the basement ;)

hi Dave! ARe you thinking of moving back now?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:21 pm
by tim
what's even more shocking is the fact that i heard they were living in an one bathroom apartment :shock:

j/k. i don't know anything about their specific living arrangements.

i think the topic may have been avoided as not to fuel random speculation. yeah, you could view it as questionable for the slip but you can also view it as a needed reprieve and a way to jumpstart the flow of creative juices. is the glass half empty or is it half full? you gotta remember that "home" means something different to everyone. what does home mean to someone who spends alot of time away from it and on the road? there are such things as 6 month leases so is this move permanent or temporary? i don't know what it means exactly and getting further into it leads to speculation about their personal business which is something i won't do. i'd be lying if i said i sometimes didn't wonder about the state of BAM but you gotta remember there's a new album and tour (hopefully) just around the corner. personally, i'm gonna withhold judgement until i see how both are recieved by the public.

don't forget this
1997-Summer: Andrew studies in Mali, West Africa, Marc plays jazz in Spain, Brad experiments with low frequencies and red.
needless to say we've had 8 years of kickass music and goodtimes since then.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:13 pm
by k-real
See Tim's post.

We talking about Montreal not Mars. From what little I know, its all good. What ever that means.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:48 am
by maura
Maybe they just can't stand living in the same country as Bush.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:49 pm
by Guest
So, when did they move up there? That's cool. It's always nice to have a change of enviornment. And igloo's are way cool 8)