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Great job you guys!!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:40 pm
by Tara
Phrazz and Co. just wanted to say thanks for making a more user friendly message board!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:08 pm
by Jonah
agreed. this was well-needed and well-done. thanks a lot.

and Tara, that's a great picture.


The Other Board

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:40 pm
by Phrazz
Groovy! Welcome to our new playground. Glad you like it and all. That Avatar a drawing of you? :oops: BTW, did you get the USENET mail or did you find out from the Graffiti post? Just curious as there will be some kind of announcement going on over there in a few (maybe...or else not . 8) ). I guess the cat's out of the bag...or it's best to just let people figure it out. More fun that way?

There are other admins here and people with lots of web/graphics/photo skills, so please feel free to suggest ideas as we really want to make this an evolving and interactive experience. People should help design and build it collectively, and that way we get what we want.

-Cruisers are not snoozers,


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:46 pm
by nfo
This is great stuff, you guys. I caught that graffiti post and thought it was about time. Thanks for doing this!

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:56 am
by Tara
Thanks Jonah,
I thought for a moment before I decided I was going to use it "aww all those guys are going to hate this girly girl avatar." And then I thought "Oh well" teehee. I'm glad I was wrong.

It's not me :( Although I have been called a pixie/fairy more times than I can count, despite never having worn wings. I think it's just because i'm 5'1 though...

I read about this board on graffiti. Although i'm wondering why I didn't get the USENET mail because i'm pretty sure i'm subscribed to that. :?