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What happened to the old graffiti page anyway?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:30 pm
by spifo
I put a post on the graffiti page back in January of 2003 when I was feeling down and alone. Brad and Phrazz both wrote very meaningful responses that meant a lot to me and I set bookmarks to their posts and would return to them and reread them every few days. Then the old posts (these ones at least) were deleted. Then the whole board was scrapped. Were all of the old posts ever saved? Or on a tangent and further back note, is the original... or to me original... slip site archived anywhere, by anyone, so we could see that basic site with the From the Gecko album cover big square in the middle of the page? Even more off the subject: does anyone archive the slip flyers/tourdate postcards? Those used to have some awesome funky art and cool poetry on them. I would love to see that stuff again.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:04 am
by Katie
The graffiti pages are gone. Your best bet is the wayback machine.

You can see old versions of the website there, back to '98. Some but not all photos are archived. Some graffiti pages are archived too. You could try the link you have bookmarked in the wayback machine and see if anything comes up, or try clicking through the links from the archived main pages.

We started archiving flyers right here: