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Why Allow Guests To Post Here ??

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:51 pm
by JV
makes no sense to me.


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:34 pm
by Phrazz
There is an old Irish proverb that states "strangers are friends whom we've not yet met". That is one angle, the other is that allowing anonymous voices to say what's on their mind w/o fear of being singled out may improve the trepidation that sometimes comes from being on a public forum. This can obviously be abused, but in general I see it as a convenience or a feature more than anything, and no cause for genuine concern (your expert opinion does not count as evidence).

Now a better question would be "Why allow JV to post here?" :twisted:


Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:00 pm
by JV
i simply asked a question, no need to be snide in your response. i just happen to see it used more as users who want to say something, but dont want to be held accountable for what they said, so they log out, and post as a guest....

anonymous vs snidely whiplash

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:32 pm
by Phrazz
Not being held accountable is only one side of the coin. The other side is being the victim of malicious diatribe. If I'm snide, I have very good reasons. I figured someone with your Net expertise would have thicker skin.

At least now you are almost explaining your point. I consider that progress, however slim it might seem.

Frankly, the whole guest post argument is rather meaningless for the simple reason that someone can log in as "Guest" or Gue$t and how is that different than the generic "guest" pseudo-account? A name is just a name. If I logged in as "Fred", how would you know it was not Phrazz, or Ted, or Bill? None of the other "authentication" credentials are necessarily visible to other users, so the whole issue of what is anonymous is moot.

For instance, do we even know your real name? You could be Jane, for all I know...and I don't really care. If someone wants to remain anonymous and they have a point, then that's worth allowing this practice. If you don't like that policy, you still haven't given any evidence. This means explain through example rather than just unsupported opinion.

As much as I try to get people to face the facts, they won't give me the facts to work on to convince me that their point of view is valid. Rational argument is much more than name-calling. Capiche?

I ran out of crayons (don't know how much more I can overexplain this).

If you have a point, then make it. Don't call me snide and expect me to sit idly while you slander my good name and reputation! I'll show you snide on a silver platter if it gets you to do your homework. Show me what you mean, don't just tell me. I've given you plenty of ammunition, so if you can't launch an effective volley, maybe you should choose another form of melee (battle-royale croquet, perhaps? :wink: )

-Razz El Phrazz