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Board Policy and Etiquette

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:21 pm
by Phrazz
SlipLive Charter

Welcome to SlipLive's discussion forum. This is a fan board that is run by fans to promote the music and culture that is The Slip experience. Although most of us are dedicated Slip fans, everyone has diverse tastes in music and we encourage all styles and genres, as well as other creative pursuits.

In any public forum, certain basic policies must be set forth just so everyone knows what is cool and what is not. Above all, we wish to preserve the truth, but not at the expense of privacy or other rights.

With that said, here are the rules of this pool.

SlipLive Forum Policies and Etiquette

1. No objectionable or useless posts. Moderators have the ability to decide whether a post is "objectionable" (we will try to be fair) before editing or deleting it. We also do not have to tell you why, but we will try.

Now there are many categories of objectionable content, and this isn't explicity restricted to:

a. Personal information. SSNs and other sensitive numbers will be immediately removed. Phone numbers may be removed at Moderators' discretion. Addresses, etc may be anonymized or deleted altogether. Please use private email for personal information!!!

By adding your email to your profile, you let the others contact you so it's easy for them to send you private communication, but also we have private messages here that also work *when they are checked* (sometimes we forget).

Other personal information like who's going out with whom, other gossip, etc. may be removed w/o notice.

b. Porn. You know what that is, and there are other forums for that.

c. Spam. Obvious spam includes viagra ads and get rich quick schemes. Pyramid schemes will not be tolerated. Please don't use this board to grovel for iPods (ok to grovel for shows, rides, etc.).

d. Bigotry: Sexist, racist or slanderous discourse will not be tolerated. In fact, it will get you in a lot of trouble. Admins can track user IDs, even anonymous ones. We will protect this privately unless you misbehave. Please respect the community and the rights of citizens to live freely and peacefully communicate. Anger is tolerated, but hatred is not. This is a subtle distinction, but please respect it.

e. Boring, Useless or Off-Topic: This is fairly general, but that's ok. Let's say 5 posts begging for tickets w/o even a change-up pitch, talk that is completely off-topic (ie, posting to photography forum with stupid photos of someone's father, silly at least marginally funny is ok), we don't want to hear lame stories, but good ones are encouraged. This is a vehicle for communication...just like ads on TV, it's better when they're minmized.

f. Breaking the Law: Now this one is rather large (as the law is), but basically don't use the Board to facilitate any personal bad habits. We're not talking about the occasional subtle reference to partying, but the specific references to acts that are definitely illegal. We don't know the entire law, but we know Attorneys who do (in many states). There are plenty of other boards more useful for picking up dime bags, soliciting hookers and hiring legal assistance (this is legal, however, should be kept private for obvious reasons).

We will preserve the right to talk about these issues openly and even figuratively, but any blatant disregard for fundamental rights (like the Bill of Rights, for starters) will not be tolerated.

g. Other: Moderators reserve the right to alter posts that don't fit into these categories, we will make new categories as needed.

2. Moderation

a. At least one Moderator will be assigned to every main forum topic.

b. Moderators will be chosen by nomination and voting. Rotation will be as often as needed, as the board grows will will rotate more to cover the pace.

c. Moderators will try to give at least one warning before removing or altering any post. Repeat offenders will be banned.

d. Blatantly objectional posts will be removed w/o notice (see above).

e. We will attempt to preserve deleted posts in text form or a special area, unless they are completely worthless.

f. If you see Moderator abuse, feel free to send details to any Moderator or the Admin if you have an issue you don't want publicized. Remember the Lavallee adage: "Moderation is only good in moderation".

g. Moderators will occasionally remove posts upon request, if the poster can be authenticated.

h. All Moderators need to have an email for people to use if they need to contact them. This email is private and spam-proofed.

Copyright & Re-use

All originally created media expressed and shared on this website, including (but not limited to) music, video, photography, images, designs, and lyrics/poetry, is the intellectual property of its creator and is protected by the copyright laws of the creator's country of origin. In choosing to freely share artistic expressions on this website, the creative authors do not give up their ownership rights, nor does it imply that the material may be used anywhere else without their permission. In other words, stuff posted here is not necessarily free for public use, so please get permission from the author before using a creative piece on any other website, media publication, or any other kind of public forum or presentation. (Note: site admins and forum moderators cannot give permission for re-use of material that is not theirs.)

When using someone else's creation (photograph, art, words, etc) in a post on the forums, use your best judgment as to whether something is fair use. Get permission if needed, and always credit the creator if known. Moderators will try to honor any requests to remove posts of copyrighted material used without permission but are not responsible for checking the copyright/permission status for everything posted in the public forum.

The Slip has an official taping/trading policy for their live music, read it. Also, please respect their intellectual property by not using this forum to trade music that is officially released for sale by the band. Support the music and just go buy it.


SlipLive Forums are completely public, but also moderated. We make every attempt to keep the board in check, but people are not online 24x7, so it can take a few minutes to hours to remove a post. Any Moderator is available via email, so a simple message should get a response in a day or two...if it's more urgent, send an email to the Admin(s). We make no guarantees posts will be maintained, although we make best efforts to keep regular backups and avoid technical issues that can accidentally remove posts. Some forums may prune themselves after a specified period of time...other forums may be permanent.

No explicit consent is given or implied herein, and all requests by law enforcement officials or individuals will be honored if possible and reasonable.

We encourage active participation, but we also encourage responsibility. The Golden Rule applies: play nice and be fair and others will return the favor.

-The Admins and Moderators of SlipLive

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:31 am
by tim
looks great phrazz!

but i'm guessing the charter will hamper my future plans for this board i.e. soliciting hookers and dimebags. :(

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:39 pm
by Katie
Hey Phrazz,
I had thought of something else that should go in the board's policy... a section of copyright statement for artistic expression on the website. Here's what I came up with. Feel free to make changes, suggestions or whatever...

Copyright & Re-use

All originally created media expressed and shared on this website, including (but not limited to) music, video, photography, images, designs, and lyrics/poetry, is the intellectual property of its creator and is protected by the copyright laws of the creator's country of origin. In choosing to freely share artistic expressions on this website, the creative authors do not give up their ownership rights, nor does it imply that the material may be used anywhere else without their permission. In other words, stuff posted here is not necessarily free for public use, so please get permission from the author before using a creative piece on any other website, media publication, or any other kind of public forum or presentation. (Note: site admins and forum moderators cannot give permission for re-use of material that is not theirs.)

When using someone else's creation (photograph, art, words, etc) in a post on the forums, use your best judgment as to whether something is fair use. Get permission if needed, and always credit the creator if known. Moderators will try to honor any requests to remove posts of copyrighted material used without permission but are not responsible for checking the copyright/permission status for everything posted in the public forum.

The Slip has an official <a href=" ... ng/trading policy</a> for their live music, read it. Also, please respect their intellectual property by not using this forum to trade music that is officially released for sale by the band. Support the music and just go buy it.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:38 am
by Phrazz
Thanks for the additions, Katie; I've updated the charter.

The SlipStream Clause

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:56 pm
by Phrazz
I'm going to add a Charter clause especially for Mr. SlipStream Dan. Bragging that he's on par with SlipBase or SlipLive is one thing, but these posts to push his site on this site is an abhorrent attempt at cross-marketing. I'm glad some people think it's cool, but my own online Slip collection is not in need of enhancement (thanks to Jim Crichton, Jason Booth, Cleantone and many others to whom I'm forever in their debt, as well as BAM for allowing this kind of freedom of music in a very complex and challenged music industry), so I find this service superfluous (though I respect the fact that others might not have such an extensive collection, still, SlipStream is also not Oz and it's not CleanTone Productions, so please don't try to compare these).

When Dan feels the need to pump up his barely nascent service at my expense, I will not refrain from removing these posts w/o notice. I have given plenty of warnings and my words are not heeded. I think SlipStream is fairly OK for those w/o large Slip collections, but there's no need to keep reminding us of this ad nauseam. When I feel the urge to puke, I have to say something (and do something about it).

Your .sig is plenty, Dan. Now please keep your SlipStream spam on Graffiti.


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:40 pm
by Dan
why thank you, very kind.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:24 pm
by mango
hey, phrazz... i bet, if you are right in your dan-related-charterings, you are full of examples. wanna make a post of that? i'm IMing with dan, and being that i'm checking in with sliplive once or twice a month at this point, i don't really feel comfortable forming an opinion, but if i don't really see it, i'll just get a weird vibe from that last amendment there. i like the sliplive community, so i don't want to get a feeling of it being elitist.

i hear you if it's not really worth your time to search for these, btw. i'm gonna take a gander through his posts, but i figure you've got some fresh in your mind that you could point out, that would call for a Slipstream Dan clause.


You're sharp...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:35 pm
by Phrazz a slice of cheddar cheese. :wink:

There's an art to communication, and slamming people over the head with your great idea is not going to send rabid converts in droves to your platform. I still think SlipLive is a good idea, but you just don't have to shove it down our throats. Try to be subtle sometime (instead of simply sarcastic).

I was quite offended when one my best friends posted that she was "back in the states" after being away on a long trip in a faraway land and you posted something completely irrelevant. I care a lot about this person and felt you trampled on the discussion for no other reason than to pimp your site. In my book, that's just not cool.

This type of behavior really can be altered if you care about other people. I really hope you understand, for your own good as well as the benefit of the board. I'm not the only person who feels these things, and if you can take advice with a grain of salt, you'll go a long way. Part of maturity means accepting the faults of yourself and others (I have plenty, I am continually reminded, and I thank these people for their insight, even if I rally against it at first). This won't happen overnight, but going down the path to enlightment means first being able to look beyond the mirror, no matter how hard it is to face.

The other approach is to laugh at these things. We are not our websites -- we are not our jobs -- we are not our cars -- we are not our clothes. We are in a sense a composite of our words and deeds as well as the social mirror we achieve from other people -- so sue me for being honest, but I can't keep silent any longer. I'm really trying to help, even though you might not want or need this help. I feel a need to defend my friends. This is a large part of who I am. I have high expectations and try to make these apparent in various ways -- one of these is "stick to the point" (for the love of God!) and on this regard there are many on this board who could use a lesson or two in effective communication. However, I don't think I'm the only one to give lessons...there are many others who will step up to the plate, given the time and inclination. Most people just don't care or don't want to get involved. For the few who do, I hope you're wise enough to at least listen. Change may take a lot longer.

-Making a short story long,



Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:57 pm
by Phrazz
What's the difference between being elitism or braggadoccio?
we have 24 memebers now, and id like to see people asking if they can be authors to the site. Pretty soon if all goes to plan, Graffiti, Slipbase, SlipLIve, And Isounds will be the 4 big dogs in the slip community...
The one that really bothered me was a Dan post that I deleted which was placed on Lara's post about her return to the States. This was irrelevant, which was good enough for me, but because it was on a post by someone I really care about (soul sister one could say), it bothered me enough to throw down the gauntlet (so to speak).

There are at least 4 or 5 original topics with many posts all on the same topic: SlipStream. Dan seems to post about SlipStream as much as anything else, and call me an elitist, but I would prefer if people would try to pick some more interesting topics (like world affairs, baseball, etc). I know he loves that baby of his, but I'm really sick of hearing about it. We all know all about SlipStream and how great it we have to have a new post every week?

There are some other posts where I question "elitism" from another angle (Dan's mention about house prices, his proximity to Fishman, etc) and I won't get into this because the whole discussion is banal at this point. I just ticked off about hearing too much about SlipStream, and would hope that people would at least make an effort to stay on-topic once in a while.

The other thing is that people take me too seriously, but I want the point to be taken seriously, not the language. The whole post about baseball was to instigate some kind of creative response, but instead I got all these stupid responses "man, you really don't know baseball" without thinking I was just taking a stand to provoke discussion. So I got all this babble about how baseball is so cool, but not so many stories and people really didn't prove their point about the meaning of "fanatic" and why "fan" is short for fanatic. Now I'm off-topic but in general I'm trying to describe ways we can all improve our own discourse. I'm only speaking out when I find notable offense in these subtle issues of etiquette. Like deleting a bunch of sweaty wrestler photos, this site is still going to be moderated, so if that's a kind of elitism then I'll accept that label with honor. It's a lot easier than try to explain myself to people who really don't want to do any homework (asking me to post examples instead of doing this yourself is a kind of laziness...but I am digressing beyond the confines of the whole argument and this waters it down somewhat, like so many words).


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:47 am
by Dan
Its ok Phrazz, when you took off my silly comment i knew why it was taken off. I dont feel like i should defend my self because it was a bad desicion. I dont have another ten years of expirence in this tough world as others such as your self do. I am still a kid and situations like this is what make me grow up so I thank you rather than try to put up a fight. My irrelivance should be moderated, I was just kind of upset that you let everyone know about it. But too late for that its out there and oh well. Im sorry about post for a house, but 20 years ago when my parents bought our house, it was average, now the price inflation and our town has extreamly high price value, but no need to get into that. And Clinton asked me how i knew fishman, so i told him the story. I dont think i post about slipstream contiuesly everyweek. I hadnt spoken about it untill i had updated the site, and that was the first time in a few weeks. Yeah i am probably bragging but ive spent alot of trouble making the site nice for peope. Its come along way and its ok, you can choose not to read post that deal with it, but are you saying that i cant ever talk about it ever in this slip live community? I post my advertising on the disgusting message boards of phantasy tour, not here. I know you hate the idea of streaming one because its mp3 quality and because you have more slip then i could ever imagine. I have gotten alot of help along the way so thankk you to everyone, including you phrazz. When i was 14 or 13 and i stumbled upon your site it was just very cool. So im fine now no worries about hurting me. And i will never forget Jason Booths Oz, Jeff's SlipServer, Clinton for spreading his talent to the masses, and the slip for being one of the most understanding and fan loving bands. I hope you can agree..,

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:04 am
by gabe
you're not your fuckin khakis.

look, i know dan pretty well, and while he may be a bit annoying about it (i've chided him myself on more than several occasions), he's honestly, purely excited about the slip and music in general and the slipstream. he's just trying to create something good for the thing he loves here, and its not at all for his own benefit. people seem to like what he's doing, he forwards me every email praising it, including the several from brad, so he just wants to get it out there, and he just happens to be a bit over enthusiastic sometimes.

i'm quicker to criticize my friends than people i've never met, so i'd be the first to say BURN HIM, BURN THE SLIPSTREAM WITCH. but it's really not necessary. i just think of him as the benevolent antagonist (who isn't really an antagonist at all, cause he benevolent) in all the those '50s small town shows. the townsfolk's response to their actions is always "oh that farmer jones, back up to his crazy tricks!" or "baker fred, if you needed the money, why didn't you just ask?" i don't want to tell anyone what to do, but i think this is a fine mindset, but perhaps i'm just sticking up for my friend.

if it's really that bad phrazz, you can just delete all the posts about it that are completely out of context.

shit, a coke costs 99 cents and now i only have 97.

i just noticed, his reponse is very '50s beneveblahblahblah. "it's okay, i'll just let all my dreams of ever owning a rutabega feild go away."

Progress is painful, but evolution is wonderful

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:03 pm
by Phrazz
Hey, thanks for both responding, and I daresay with some thought and consideration! This is all that I ask. I'm a hardass and this may be from a few more years under the gun and scalpel, and I don't expect kids to grow up overnight. However, in this case, I have to say Dan is sounding a lot more mature and definitely there is compassion there beyond just rampant enthusiasm. I am sorry for "raining on the parade", but a little tact goes a long way and please remember there are people here who are very close, so be cognizant of that when jumping into a "room" unannounced. The topics are indeed like rooms and they evolve (or devolve) over time. Being aware of this level of interaction will help make the whole thing better (not just the board but the whole aspect of human interaction and communication) and help us understand each other in ways where before there was just frustrated silence or simplistic innuendo. I'm also sorry for being so damned explicit, but at times I get like this when I feel like I'm hitting a wall.

Now there won't be any Dan clause--I said this more as a reaction (and to get a reaction) and to think that we can come to terms with this so quickly is indeed a good thing...and in any great endeavor there will always be conflict and resolution. If we didn't care at all there would be just a boring kind of apathetic drivel to all the posts (all the stories, etc) and when there's tension that's a sign there's something bigger than all of us here.

Thanks for both understanding and taking the time to respond. I forgive all transgressions (for what it's worth -- you don't really need this, but it's nice to bury the hatchet) and hope all goes well for everyone's plans and dreams (both real and imaginary).

Dan, things you said to me and on this thread could easily be taken into context when you do make announcements about SlipStream (like "I am forever indebted to those who have striven to provide these professional quality recordings for the benefit of the extended community of Slip fans and friends..." -- though this might seem obvious and unnecessary, that is exactly why it's necessary...and the smiles it will put on their faces is well worth the extra ten minutes it might take to write it, and such a noble gesture reminds people that the recordings are not easy at all and take a great deal of work and money to make happen for people who sometimes forget to be thankful -- then there are those who don't know how to be thankful and to them I hope they mature as well, maybe with some prodding).

Well, this was an enlightening discussion and it's very encouraging to see such dramatic progress. Thanks for really listening and explaining how you all feel -- this is much better than the usual trivial nonsense. We'll all meet somewhere on the road and have a laugh about this -- and when Dan's old enough I'll buy him a beer. :)

