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SlipLive Board Annoucement (RFC)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:40 pm
by Phrazz
LISTSERV announcement will go out next. Here's a rough draft and an RFC (Request For Comments). Note I left out the link. This is to see how many people respond and use that to guage the effect and scope. Like a marketing "pre-release", doing these announcements in stages really helps us plan better, even if that planning is for nothing, it's fun watching the circle expand (testing waters by watching the ripples in a pebble-perturbed lake).

*hello? test...test...test...* Is this microphone on?

Over beers at many Slip shows a bunch of us were talking about the current Graffiti board and how it could stand some improvement. So, we put our heads and ducats together and created a new board.

The new board supports avatars, custom styles, graphics, links, HTML, and a whole bunch of other modern features and functions. It also has a group of Moderators who will help keep the spam and iPod grovels down to a dull roar. ;-} We have a Charter, in case you are curious. Everyone is welcome to also help with Moderation and even the Charter itself (it's a joint effort, like the whole board and even the site itself).

The board right now allows posting photos if they're hosted elsewhere, but we also intend on putting up a photo gallery so people who sign up have photo posting rights and limited private storage space. We're also assembling taping FAQs and other useful information such as news links, sources to music, show reviews and all that fun stuff that makes the whole experience more enjoyable. If you think something needs to be added to the collective scrapbook, please add your own treasures of history.

This is a board created by fans for fans and we are eager and ready to implement any good suggestions. Stop on by and sign up (or you can still read and post anonymously).

-Happy New Year,


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:50 pm
by tim
good stuff. roll with it.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:18 pm
by torph
yeah Phrazz, good stuff. the listserve is def. a good place to start and "test the waters" as you said...

ps. expect something in you snail mailbox soon. just don't send anything to the return address, as i'm moving back to VT in the morning and don't have a place to live yet. hopefully i'll get that sorted out soon :?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:34 pm
by Pstehley
That's definately a really good place to start.. cause there are a lot of people on there that don't really post on the grafitti page... plus it gives us some time before all the major slip fluffers come along. Just a lot of the hardcore fans...

sometimes your so smart!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:41 pm
by Phrazz
Awww....geee. :oops:

Seems the votes are leaning towards keeping the boards separate for a while. I don't want to skew the election, but since there are like 4 boards already (Graffiti,, LISTSERV, SlipBase), what's a fifth? [Answer: something that should stop you from driving or may make you do embarrassing things!]

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:48 pm
by Del
What is there besides here and the Graffiti board? What have I been missing out on? Please, someone, shed some light on me...

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:02 pm
by JEFFfromNC
Very Nice :wink:

high five

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:14 pm
by diesel
a big thanks to all to those who have helped water this bored, namely phrazz and jeff...

yes pat your 'fertilizer' helps too.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:48 am
by tim
Del wrote:What is there besides here and the Graffiti board? What have I been missing out on? Please, someone, shed some light on me...
well...there is the email list which hasn't seen any action in months.

there' s which hasn't seen action in even longer

i guess slipbase is a board of sorts being that you can type messages along with your setlist additions.

so basically del, if you've been visiting graffiti and here you haven't been missing out on much of anything. the de facto phish board usually has at least one or two slip related threads a day but it's usually never anything stimulating, more or less stuff like "what does the slip sound like". that site itself is sad and entertaining at the same time. beast of a message board taboot.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:52 pm
by Del
Has anyone thought of starting up a Phantasy Slip tour board? Or getting The Slip added to phantasytour?