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A few more from 04/14/06 @ The Paradise

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:12 pm
by Katie
I don't know if anyone's come across these already, I'll reluctantly admit that I've had them uploaded for a few days and forgot to post. Oops. Laziness.

Anyway, here you go:

<img src=" ... 6_4-vi.jpg">

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<img src=" ... 6_3-vi.jpg">

<img src=" ... 6_5-vi.jpg">

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"Happy Snails" (obviously)

<img src=" ... _11-vi.jpg">
There was indeed a "Children of December" that was missing from the first setlist. Overlooked most likely because many of us in the balcony at the time were preoccupied with the smell of smoke and a thankfully avoided fire. I managed to snap off just a few shots after hearing all was OK.

<img src=" ... 6_1-vi.jpg">
Also during CoD. This is my favorite shot from the night, although it really makes me wish I had an ISO higher than 400 available on my camera so I didn't have to set the aperture so low. :(

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:42 pm
by booher
hah, yeah the fire was something I remember. you can see me in the B&W photo of brad on the speakers, my friend's right in front of his marshall cab, and my head is right on marc's right foot. i just remember that huge guy who worked there coming up to me and saying something and basically pushing me out of the way. I had no idea what was going on at the time. we just as soon continued to rock out though.

missed the crowd surfing...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:33 pm
by Phrazz I was too busy cutting burning live wires with some dude's Leatherman. Too bad taper man packed up. If they only kept real wire cutters (the insulated kind) near the soundboard...maybe next time. No black tape handy, either. People are so paranoid about electricity (not enough lab work with high voltage transformers and
LASERS...<img src=>

Anyone here ever build a working rail gun? Just curious.)

I'll have a bunch photos up in the next few days (I took a lot...over 1,000 for the whole long weekend, including the Boston Marathon, including the Last Annual Heartbreak Hill Beirut Tournament, The Narrows, Paradise and a few parties -- but I missed the crowd surfing, so glad someone got it!).

Good pix, even at 400 ISO. These shows are harder to shoot at as many young first-timers like to camp up front for the duration, barely moving even to dance. I noticed the balconies nearly empty towards the start. Once the Guitar Heroes craze wears off, maybe we'll see a more balanced crowd (you know, where people can dance and walk around, like the "old days"). Low F lenses are key, but as Rob shows, the pricey ISes are worth the dough (if anyone can skip paying rent for a few months :) ).

That's one of the few moments you might want to think about using the flash. I know it's "cheating" and obnoxious, but Brad's looking at somewhere between the ceiling and his guitar, and towards the end of the show it happens anyways (I'm guilty as charged, will use flash once or twice at the end to get crowd shots sometimes, some clubs don't need it in any situation, but good lights are pricey).

Thanks to T Dogg for having the blowout bash after the show. And for everyone bringing beer. It's always nice when people plan ahead! That keeps the house rocking ... and nothing like a cold beer after a hot sweaty show out on the back stoop.
