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Slip Photos from Lupos and Pearl St

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:18 am
by Phrazz
I picked through the photos and posted the best of The Slip at Lupo's as well as Pearl St. to my Picasa Web gallery
(along with Samba Lolo from Matt Murphy's and Soulive with Adam Deitch Project from the Avalon show that same week).

<img width=800 src=" ... G_7333.JPG">
[Brad heats up his harp - Lupo's at the Strand - Phrazz Pix - Dec 29, 2006]

Check the rest out at:

Phrazz Pix on Picasa

After upgrading to Picasa's latest version, I now really dig this photo tool. It's the easiest application for posting I've yet to use,
even though it only has basic image tools (does 95% of what most people need). It's fast and free.
All the kool kids are on GMail, so you can use that to get on Picasa as well. :)

-Peace, Love and Chocolate,


Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:26 am
by putty
great photos Phrazz. i haven't seen Soulive in years. How are they doing now? Same kinda sound?

And what's the deal with plugs in your earlobes? Once you stretch your lobes out like that, can they ever heal again, or will you have droopy ears for the rest of your life? and what's the significance of it, if there is any?

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:50 pm
by tyler
awesome pictures. kinda bummed I didn't bring my camera to the Lupos show. I think you were right behind me at one point though, because I remember seeing someone take pictures with a real nice camera, and you've got a couple that look like they're from about where I was standing.

and thanks for the headsup about Picasa, I've started it using it now and I like it.