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AS220 Fest

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:54 am
by Katie
These were taken throughout the 45 minute set, mostly from up near the front because the street was completely packed and I'm too short to pull off a lot of shots over people's heads. :roll: Interesting to note was Brad's choice of guitar for this set (and Andrew was on a different drum kit, possibly borrowed due to the time constraints).

<img src=" ... 1605_1.jpg" width=800>

<img src=" ... 1605_8.jpg" width=800>

The breakdown from December's Children:
<img src=" ... 1605_3.jpg" width=900>
<img src=" ... 1605_4.jpg" width=800>

A little recognition to this guy for a good try.
<img src=" ... 605_14.jpg" width=435> <img src=" ... 605_13.jpg" width=400>

He got a 2-second opening tease from Brad, and a nod from Marc.
<img src=" ... 605_15.jpg" width=600>

(Altered the colors here cause I got sick of looking at yellow in the background.)
<img src=" ... 605_11.jpg" width=800>

And a close-up of Andrew during Proud.
<img src=" ... 1605_5.jpg" width=500>

That's the best I've picked out from the night so far. I always take so many shots to get a handful of good ones. Right now I have a backlog of hundreds to go through from shows taken during the last few months, including some from Saratoga in May... I'll let you all know when I get them on-line.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:16 pm
by Cleantone
Awesome! Thanks for posting those.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:11 pm
by Robyn
Katie, Thise are great pics! I love all of them but I especially love the one of Marc by himself and Brad on top of the bass drum Andrew's using...but they are all great! Hey, what did you use to make your copyright sig? I have photoshop, illustrator and of course paint, can I use any of these? I was able to embed a watermark on my picture of my somewhat dark slip temple here but I can't see it like I can see yours on your pics. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you! And stay coool:) It's freakin' muggy here in SoCal, time to jump in the pool!



Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:18 pm
by maura
Yeah thanks so much for posting these. The caption about the guy with the signs and the acknowledgement from the band made me laugh outloud. Fun fun :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:42 am
by Katie
Hehee... thanks guys. I think the first one of Brad and Andrew is my favorite, just for the expressions captured on both of their faces.

Cleantone I'm always amazed when you get the audio out there before I can get any pics uploaded! When I have time I occassionally make CD labels for shows I have photos for, I'll have to send you some to put with a download one of these times.

Robyn, I don't usually watermark cause I hate when it's too much and distracts from the image.... but I thought I'd give it a try this time and liked how it came out. Believe it or not, I did that in MS Paint cause I don't have Photoshop on this computer. It's like a size 18 or 20 font, and I just played around with the colors till I found one that was visible but not too much of a contrast. I also knew I would size them down for posting so I tried to make the font big enough to show up when it's smaller.

And yeah... the Eube guy was pretty funny. It made me smile so I had to ask him for a photo.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:01 pm
by Robyn
Hey thanks Katie :) Good info. I figured you made it in paint or something. It looks great. So, does anybody like my slip temple? if you lok at it close up it has some really cool things in there. there's more than meets the eye.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:17 pm
by Cleantone

That picture doesn't display for me. If you want to email it to me I'll put it somewhere were it can be linked for display.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:27 pm
by Robyn
Hey good afternoon Cleantone. Hope your having a great weekend. The picture is in the body above here, right below my post I can see it fine in any case I have some good news for you...Robin and Kenny taped the Garaj Mahal show on Friday and it's SOOO SMOKIN! Once I gets my hands on it I'll send it to you. Anyhow, any word yet on that one thing????

Anyway you can do a B & P for me of the 7-2-05 Slip show and the AS220 set?

Let me know, thanks!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:13 pm
by Robyn
Ok, I'm now using another computer and yes, it is not coming up here at all. I will email the pic of the painting to you Cleantone and maybe you can work some magic to get it up for me :roll:

Thank you! And WILL SOMEONE PLEASE help me with a B & P of the AS220 show and if at all possible any SMMD sets from High Sierra? Oh man, I sure do hope it isn't just a rumor that SMMD will be doing a tour of the west coast this's been way too long, people. Kewl, thanks!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:52 pm
by sm
hey, great shots katie! the 3rd one down gives me a real "Happy Days" kinda feel..... yeah, like the tv show... dont ask me why.... i dunno...

anyways, that looks like the same tent as was at ICT... and both times i've thought to myself "i've never seen a band play in a tent like that before."... is there only one tent company down there?