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Surprise Me Mr. Davis "Sunday's Best" at High Sie

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:16 pm
by lumpy
This idea has been bouncing around my head lately, and hopefully with a little encouragement and help, it can happen...

Nathan has talked about how he and bam want Surprise Me to "bring back the slow dance," and for folks to dress up and take a date to their shows.

I think at High Sierra we should dress up and encourage others to wear their "sunday's best" even though the show is on a friday night (opening up for my morning jacket).

Lots of folks bring all sorts of funky clothing to the festival, so if we could just print out some fun and small handbills, maybe we could get them on the will-call pickup counter - and then just spread the word through other message boards (, the norcal e-mail list, etc.) and word of mouth.

It sounds like The Slip are pretty excited about this late night gig, and I certainly am....all I wanna know is who's coming with me?

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:33 pm
by magpie

it's so friggin hot though... and so sweaty/dusty/dirty... oi, the thought of wearing sunday-best type digs doesn't really sound all that appealing to me...
but i hear what you're saying. :D i remember nathan talking about that at the Independant last fall... my friend and i tried to slow dance for a bit, heheh... we gave up though...

interesting idea, lumpy... one to roll around with for awhile...
*strokes chin thoughtfully*

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:22 am
by lumpy
I really just mean dress up, in whatever that means to you...maybe "sunday's best" needs to be reworded...

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:21 am
by Pstehley
Just as a side bar... my band and I for a benefit we played in march.. all decided to wear shirts and ties (I wore my suit)... it also just so happened to be one of the most muggy days of march, in PA.. but none the less.. it was cool.. cause we were all up on stage, Rockin... all dressed up with no wear to go.... but I tell ya what.. it get's really freaking hot... so my $0.02... save yourself the heat stroke.. unless you find one of those tuxedo shirts.... :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:25 pm
by magpie
ah... *nods*

yes, lumpy, well... that would be something to get tons of folks all decked out in craziness for the show, eh?

SMMD Dance Party Dress-Up

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:17 am
by Phrazz
I think this is in theory a grand idea, maybe a bit easier in the cooler outdoors, but it'll be pretty toasty indoors. I might bring a tie if I remember to pack one, but doubtful I'll crush a suit jacket in my backpack. In any case, it will be really hard to outdo this pair of professionals:


Anyone recognize these two? 8)


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:33 pm
by Dan
Zack Smith and .....

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:31 pm
by magpie
yeah, i remember zack was dressed all snazzy on the west coast run...