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FLAMING LIPS / lake trout / oh no oh my - UVM 9/7

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:57 pm
by tyler
saw the Flaming Lips last night at UVM. holy shit. :shock: what a crazy experience. bouncing balloons, hamster balls, people in santa outfits, confetti, streamers, it was nuts. it was like a big happy dream that doesn't make any sense but you like it anyway. oh and the music was good too. the fact it was in a relatively small venue for them made it even better. go see the Flaming Lips sometime, if nothing else its certainly completely different than anything you'll ever see anywhere else.

(openers were pretty good too. oh no oh my was this post-punk revival band but really good, unlike most of that genre. and lake trout i had heard before from someone on this board, i like their studio stuff better but they were still pretty cool and atmospheric live.)

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:55 pm
by diesel
awesome! seeing the flips for the first time is like a religious experience.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:16 pm
by Dan
i saw the lips in boston tonight,

second time seeing them, and the show has evolved so much, i was on a differnt planet.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:03 am
by diesel
come on dude, how about some details for those of us who wont be seeing them soon.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:51 am
by Katie
UVM was a blast. I think there were quite a bit of technical problems, including power outages that cut short The W.A.N.D. & My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion, but they pushed on even if it was a shorter set than other nights. Wayne was up on a soapbox for quite a bit... going on and on about student apathy, and how people are unhappy with the Bush administration, but feel like there's nothing to do about it... and how 'if we all sing together it'll be OK'... and 'what if our voices had the power of a bomb?'... A lot of this was before Yeah Yeah Yeah Song and by the time they actually played it, even liberal VTers were ready for him to quit talking and play the damn song.... but he did get the crowd participation he was looking for. Two songs later they lost power to some amps and the video screen, but of course Wayne's vocal mic still worked... so the middle of the set was more chatty than I expected, but it was still an excellent show. They'd never been up here before, and who knows when they'll be back, so we'll happily take what we can get. :) Setlists are on their message board, I'd post it but it's been the same every night so I don't want to spoil it for anyone else who might catch them this tour.

(I have to say, I'm still not a Lake Trout fan. We had a live CD at my college radio station years ago that I dug, but I've never been able to get into them at shows I've seen since. Then again, I've only heard them at large venues and the sound in a college gym is less than ideal.)