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Second hand report from Sno-down

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:20 pm
A friend told me the show was good, the turn out was good for the early set and that BAM apeared happy. Anyone got specifics?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:04 pm
by tyler
I had the opportunity to go to snoe.down for free because the radio station I DJ for got free tickets, but passed because of the 60 mile drive (including a Lake Champlain ferry) and the cold weather. not worth the trouble, even free, to see The Slip play for an hour while Moe. gets to wank endlessly and pointlessly for three, I thought.

okay i am done adding nothing to the topic.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:09 pm
by francis
60-mile drives actually deter people from doing things?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:24 pm
by Stankdog211
It was a good set - filled in as the set went on. They sounded great in such a big room, especially the drums. Marc's guitar solo on "Stealing Bread..." was a treat. And moe. played great. Actually, no band really sucked all weekend.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:37 pm
by tyler
francis wrote:60-mile drives actually deter people from doing things?
In a rickety old Jeep, sometimes.
Had The Slip been headlining, or playing by themselves, or played 60 miles in any direction not bisected by a huge lake, the situation would have been different.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:46 pm
by Katie
tyler wrote:I had the opportunity to go to snoe.down for free because the radio station I DJ for got free tickets, but passed because of the 60 mile drive
Now how come I never got free tickets when I worked there? Dang. Tell them to call some alumn next time. (BTW, I heard about the discussion over selling the station... glad to hear they've decided against it!)

I'd bet someone from State of Mind was at snow.down, they're usually good about taking notes on The Slip.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:46 pm
by diesel
tyler wrote:
francis wrote:60-mile drives actually deter people from doing things?
In a rickety old Jeep, sometimes.
Had The Slip been headlining, or playing by themselves, or played 60 miles in any direction not bisected by a huge lake, the situation would have been different.
taking trips in my old 86 cj were probably the greatest times of my life.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:18 pm
by tyler
Katie wrote:
tyler wrote:I had the opportunity to go to snoe.down for free because the radio station I DJ for got free tickets, but passed because of the 60 mile drive
Now how come I never got free tickets when I worked there? Dang. Tell them to call some alumn next time. (BTW, I heard about the discussion over selling the station... glad to hear they've decided against it!)
Yeah, there was a pretty big student outcry against it and the president shwat his pants over it apparently. I was pleasantly surprised, I thought the only people who cared were the DJs and the staff members.
taking trips in my old 86 cj were probably the greatest times of my life.
I know what you mean man, but I fear my 1991 is on her last legs. :(

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:24 pm
by kate9487
Aww man, you should have given me those tickets! I'd have walked/swam from here. I need a good dose of the Slip right about now!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:26 pm
by tyler
some other DJs got them guys don't worry they didn't go to waste!

yikes man I have divulged too much in this topic, this is what I get for adding nothing of interest to the first post.

snoe.down report

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:39 pm
by Phrazz
I would also like to chime in to say I also was not there and have no opinion on snoe.down whatsoever right now, but I wanted to let everyone know that so you could spend time reading this and contemplating what I really was going to say instead. :twisted:

However, I do know some peeps who went...maybe I will solicit them for a mini-review. I bet we all know someone who went, and even a few who would care to enlighten us with their recollection of their experience.

Are there any other shows that people never went to but heard was fun? This could be a whole new thread -- the second-hand show reviews! *lol*

I heard Bonnaroo last year was great, but I won't know myself until this year.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 7:14 pm
Gee Nick, bite my head off.
I always let people know when I'm spreading unsubstansiated rumors (substansiated rumor I only spread by accident :wink:).
I just wanted a setlist and conformation from a slipster on what my buddy said. I didn't post the other thing he said about the fest. I wouldn't have passed on his info at all if I didn't consider him a reliable source of live music info (he's a jambase photographer).

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:30 pm
by rhythmicstorm
yes, i have a second-hand review of the chicago show from my own flesh and blood- my brother:

some songs were absolutely mind-blowing. some were not very inspired. marc was unusually still- not his rockstar moving self. fuji set the place on fire. the crowd started clearing out half-way through. it was a 2-hour long set.

the funny part is, some random dude approached my brother in bewilderment. he was an old-time fan of the slip, but not connected to today's technology. he went to the show expecting his old version of slip. apparantly he was shocked, dumbfounded, even pissed. he couldn't believe the change in musical direction. he had no idea it had happened. he kept repeating his disbelief all night to my amused sibling.

does my second-hand report stand up?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:41 pm
by Cleantone

01. All I Saw Was You 6:38
02. Even Rats 7:15
03. Airplane/Primitive 10:53
04. There's A Lie 6:47
05. Gaunt Debutante 7:19
06. Soft Machine 7:55
07. If One Of Us Should Fall 5:51
08. Children Of December 6:53

second-hand news

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:55 pm
by Phrazz
The Fleetwood Mac tune comes to mind.

Klue: I am sorry if I gave you the impression I was biting your head off. That was not my intent. I merely was trying to give my own impression that the second hand reviews were nonexistent in the whole thread.

Sara: your second-hand review is top-notch and you will be high up on the list when I start a magazine of the aforementioned subject. :) The reaction of the random old-time dude is quite interesting. I wonder who that was? Poor guy...if he's been out of the loop for a few years, what a shock it must have been!

Cleantone: Thanks for the show d/l link. This is also sort of a second-hand news reference, perhaps. One star and no setlist. I hope the show was better than that.

Thanks for the second hand reviews, once again.

I will continue this thread and solicit some response from others who were at shows because I do think this is a good idea and it gets people involved (even if indirectly). In this sense, I'm about as interested in the content as I am with the approach, so it was an interesting and useful idea from the inception.


P.S.: My Bonnaroo review will be first-hand, but I will solicit some second-hand content and include that in the review. :)