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Independent Night 1 Set List

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:11 am
by bear
1: The Landing^ > Children of December^, Even Rats, There's A Lie, The Shouters, Weight of Solomon, Broke the Promised Land, Black Telephone

2: intro > The Soft Machine, If One of Us Should Fall^, Get Me With Fuji, Wine and White Soda, Poor Boy >Long Way to the Top > Poor Boy, Drown in My Tears*^, Steel Drum Zion**^

E: Heartbreaker***

^ w/ horns. Rob on Trombone (he played on "Next Time You See Me" at the Ivy last summer) and Casey on tenor sax. * Ray Charles cover? ** Brad on drumkit, Andrew on steel drum, Marc on guitar. basically a jam but there were lots of "Zion" teases. *** Led Zeppelin cover, ftp?

amazing show. review to come but its too late at night. cant wait for tomorrow!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:15 am
by Dan
the heart breaker solo ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:14 am
by tonygaboni
looks fucking awesome!!!!!! :shock:

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:38 am
by torph
i thought it was a really, really good show. the horns were a great addition, esp. on those songs. man, i love this band.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:09 pm
by Phrazz
That setlist is stellar. They busted out the major heat for you cats. Lucky beyond your stars.

Heartbreaker! Verrrrry nice! All the tunes look carefully picked. Did Tim have anything to do with this??? Tonight is going to be ridiculous!!!

Long Way to the Top...

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:18 pm
by soraparuq
totally AWESOME show last night...
looking EVER more forward to tonight!!
Really hope to meet some of you sliplivers up front there tonight. I'd brought my friend to her first show last night.
Far more interesting to me than even the last time around at the Indy.

I hope Mark steps out even a bit more tonight...he struck me more on the subdued side last night...very much unlike was definitely more of a Brad show...some of the highlights of the eve for me was him walking over to Mark & ripping it up together. To me, BRad was just far more effervescent than he & Drew, but that's not meaning they still weren't fantastic!
LOVE the fav venue in SF b/c of cool staff, fine acoustics & sightlines combined...really nice to take in the show, for a change, from the raised, step up level for first set, which line each side of the room. tho just a black box, w/ it's different levels, and fairly wide accessible stage, it's just a comfortable room.
HAD to get down to the floor 2nd set tho to cut a rug! :lol:

Soo awesome their mom was in the house. did Brad dedicate that song to her?--can't remember exactly what he said, but it was sweet.
at one point in the 1st set, BRad & Mark were playing simultaneously with microphones.
Was on Cloud 9 that i finally got to hear Long Way to the Top & a Zepplin cover from them in ONE night! unbelievable. Brad sang them wonderfully...voice was really strong, and he was channelin' Plant!!! sick. Only other person i've seen able to do it as well was (often a bango player) Erik Yates at the Fillmore when New Monsoon/HBR did Cashmir.
yep, i simply adore this band.
such a treat. Definitely one of the symbiotic, manifesting that Creative collective Spir"IT" moments you so eloquently talked about, Tote.
Andrew playin the pan was also such a sweeet late surprise---transported me right back to my summer in Trinidad, soo cool & serendipitous----and BRad's quite a good drummer in his own right.
2/3s full. I was like where are folks? just beyond me, and as (Jambase) Andrew answered wryly, pre-show, "didn't they get the memo?" HA.

So glad to hear Get Me w/ Fugi, and Black Telephone! 8)
What was the opener "The Landing"...can someone give me some history on that one? Was there a new song in there?

Alrighty, see some of u in a bit, and others of ya on down The Slip Road,

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:46 pm
by magpie
i was up front last night (generally in front of brad), and i'll be right up front again tonight... can't be anywhere else, it's too much fun to watch them up close... :D


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:02 pm
by soraparuq
love being able to actually see those fingers fly across fretboards, especially!
Wooohoo. Night 2 of The Slip in town....yeah.

I'm short. :) I'll keep my eye out for ya. D

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:40 pm
Landing is the first song on Angels and the first song I had the privlidge of hear them play live.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:06 pm
by magpie
i didn't see your last post before the show last night... i think i was right next to you!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:38 pm
by appleofmyeye
It was so nice to meet you Magpie, Torph and everyone else I met. It was truly magical to say the least!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:14 pm
by magpie
likewise, apple!
(am i correct in the assumption/association that you are also erlikkana?)

a pleasure also to have met harry, tim, torph, and greg (does greg come here?)... and of course my friends from frogville... lumpy, darned it, this is at least the third time we've been in the same place, but we never actually meet. who else did i miss...? bear. will have to be sure to catch up with you next time, bear...

i'm still reeling from the magnitude of these shows...
i hope at some point to be able to coagulate the feelings into some cohesive commentary or something... heheh...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:10 pm
by torph
dennis cook's jambase review...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:13 pm
by magpie
that's the first review i think i've ever read that's as tasty to read as it was to experience the show. okay, well maybe not *that* good, but he's certainly got a way with words... :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:07 pm
by tyler
"humping bass attack"?!?!?