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Barr Brothers Torrents

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:11 pm
by Rob Turner
Any live shows out there so they can join the band's brilliant CD in my li'l collection?

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:43 pm
by jibooer
Brad is checking out the quality of the recordings and performances before he allows them to be seeded...

''all good things in all good time"

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:46 am
by harrymcq
Here is an aud from 3/26/10 - I just re-seeded. I also have a board of this one to get out. Talked with Brad at this show where he said (unprompted) that he wanted more things to circulate, and that there were really only certain shows he really didn't want to get out there where the vocals were really bad or it was a really off night or bad recording.

This isn't the best recording, crowd was a bit chatty and I was in a weird location sound-wise but is a good set:

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:23 pm
by jibooer
Thanks for the re-seed, I am sure people will gobble it up...

Here's a quote from the brother Brad hisself in an email received 09/16 in which I arranged to send him a couple of tracks from the Burlington show:

"Eventually, I'd love to get the whole show. Then I can let you know about circulating it. Its usually a matter of sound, mix, and performance for me, whether I mind things being passed around."

Anyway, usually it's never a problem, but I can understand and respect his wishes...but I am eager to share the performance with ya'll :)

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:36 am
by johnhk4
Why not do things differently with the barr bros vs. The slip? Why not just release a couple of tracks here and there or a CD of highlights from a tour, after the tour?

For example, How many different versions of even rats do you really need to hear or have in your iTunes? I think it would serve them well to NOT have entire shows circulated. So many times I will want to make a mix for someone, and I have to crop out minutes and minutes of tuning, crowd chatter, or dead space which is fine live but very boring when you want to play a song for someone. Just my two cents. Thoughts ?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:43 am
by Katie
Not a torrent, but there are some downloads in FLAC and MP3 hosted by the kind folks behind VermontLiveMusic.
If you scroll down, you'll find 05/15/10 under The Barr Brothers, here:

There's also some SMMD, Nathan Moore and Marco Benevento Trio. (I know the 06/12/09 Marco show was one with Andrew and Marc.) The Parima show from this month isn't up there yet, but I'm pretty sure Jonah taped it too, so it may wind up on this site eventually.

Edited to add: They stream some shows live now too, so you can sometimes check out audio or video of these bands playing a show in Vermont as it's happening.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:34 pm
by johnhk4
Well this live show is incredible. The recording quality is superb!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:16 pm
by jibooer
My thoughts John -

The Slip, The Barr brothers and countless other bands already release a couple of tracks here and there. This is nothing new. The Slip also have many 'official' live recordings in their discography, so I don't know how the Barrs could do anything differently.

To say that NOT circulating entire shows will benefit the band because our iTunes will have less versions of the same song is quite remarkable. I find this interesting because you download live shows, which by their nature are different from night to night, year to year, but may have repeated songs. I believe if you really are against having multiple versions of the same song, simply stop downloading them. There is no requirement to download the entire show. If it isn't up to snuff, then delete it. If you don't like the recording quality, then dump it in the recycle bin.

I think the only reason to NOT circulate an entire live recording is when band believes it to be sub-par, or when they don't want it to circulate. One cannot argue with this since the band owns the copyrights and moreover, because to a certain extent they are assuring that people get a better product.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:33 pm
by johnhk4
I see your point, J, and I have to say I agree with you and rescind my prior comments.

It seems I assume that if a band holds back on releasing their entire live performances, it makes them more intriguing, and would make a live compilation or official live album sell better. But I guess there is no proof of that model. I'm just rooting for these guys to get the respect they deserve in the music community and I get frustrated by how elusive they can be to the spotlight. But I also dig that.

I'm a complicated guy.

So I guess I was making a point for the music industry side of things, because when I saw that post about an available live show I was all over it. And I'm loving the show too!!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:14 pm
by jibooer
We're all rooting for them to get the respect they deserve fer sure. The music industry is tough for bands like them who tend to rather hone their craft than to be in the spotlight.

Get the live shows, pass them around, encourage them to come back to your town.

BTW, there is another Barrs show being seed on right now from Montreal this spring.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:03 am
by putty
Katie wrote:Not a torrent, but there are some downloads in FLAC and MP3 hosted by the kind folks behind VermontLiveMusic.
If you scroll down, you'll find 05/15/10 under The Barr Brothers, here:

There's also some SMMD, Nathan Moore and Marco Benevento Trio. (I know the 06/12/09 Marco show was one with Andrew and Marc.) The Parima show from this month isn't up there yet, but I'm pretty sure Jonah taped it too, so it may wind up on this site eventually.

Edited to add: They stream some shows live now too, so you can sometimes check out audio or video of these bands playing a show in Vermont as it's happening.
Thanks!! This is exactly what I needed.