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Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:34 pm
by harrymcq
7/15/11 Theater Bar, New York NY
Private Party - Mike Greenhaus' 30th birthday

Even Rats
True Love Ain't Enough
What's So Funny ('bout Peace Love & Understanding)
Lost Man in a Foreign Country
Take The Bus
Before You Were Born
New Tune (catch a villain? played the previous night)
I Hate Love
Get Me With Fuji (with substantial headshot jams)
band intros/part of pre-recorded even rats plays briefly/short wipeout jam/Mike Greenhaus speaks
7 Seconds

With Sam Cohen on Motherwolf and a number of tunes following....
Brad repeatedly said it was the weirdest/strangest Slip gig ever. The band was set up behind the bar, sound was very low and weird. At several points Brad stood on the bar playing and taking shots of strange expensive-looking liquors. The show itself though was actually pretty good musically! This one may not be able to be circulated though... I ran an audience recording from the balcony which actually came out surprisingly well considering how weird the sound was and how much talking there was. Cleantone also ran his rig. Can't wait for tonight!!!

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:42 pm
by booher
Ohh celebrity status.

Can't wait to hear this one.

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:57 pm
by harrymcq
Actually this one isn't going to be able to be circulated... it was fun but it was a strange gig for sure...

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:01 pm
by Dsanbensoff
who said no to spreading the recording? just curious.

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:15 am
by harrymcq
gettin' nosy????

Talked to Andrew about it at the Met after getting the DNC message from Cleantone. Basically band could not hear themselves. Also the sound was seriously weird. The main speaker in the club was mostly dormant EXCEPT when the soundguy would solo a track in which case the PA speaker would blast very loud signal of whatever the guy was soloing (voice, guitar, various drums etc.) very weird. So I am in agreement actually... the crowd is very loud on my recording on the quiet tunes but you can't blame them because the bar was literally in front of the stage. I'm sure cleantone got a better recording but I doubt that will circulate either. It wasn't the best show ever but was kind of a wild scene. Actually I think it sounds pretty decent considering... it is along the lines of a Camp Harry type show....

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:15 am
by booher
Hmm that's too bad. But for a weird gig it sounds like it would have been a blast/rocknroll.

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:13 pm
by Phrazz
Mike's secrete bday bash NYC (slideshow)

Mike's birthday venue was quite original, twisted...great for a lounge, strange for newcomers. The DJ booth was up in a cramped balcony, with low visibility, and apparently, there weren't much options for mix monitoring other than the solo switch (fed to the DJ monitor up on the wall in the audience...odd place).

I showed up early, but a little after Cleantone and Harry (who had to set up rigs), then we went next door to get some pretty awesome tapas (it was slow early on..., apparently many getting decked out or fired up ;-) ).

Things changed a lot after dinner, and there was a line growing out the door down the sidewalk. Word got out around the day of (or earlier), but at least it was a secret for a little while. There could have been a longer line, considering the much larger crowd at the Brooklyn Bowl the night before (600ish). The lounge only had bud and bud lite. No comparison to the finest local brews on tap at Brooklyn Bowl. But the lounge wasn't trying for that. They were trying to be strange (they pulled it off).

Friday night, many friends came down who couldn't make it on a school night...some of my favorite people in the Slip universe, so it was much more of a family vibe. The sound was absolutely tragic when that solo button went on...but the band couldn't hear it like we could, because of the isolation of the bar in between. Definitely the strangest stage setup I can remember...but they did their best to make it work. You could hear pretty well to the back of the bar area, but down the stairs, it was pretty hard to hear the music well. Brad stood up and talked to the crowd a few times, toasted us all...while on the other side of the the bartenders had to keep an eye out so he wouldn't kick over glasses and bottles. That was weird, definitely unique.

I'm honored to have been invited, and it was great to renew old ties. We don't realize what an amazing force music is until we meet our old friends again...and see there's still a bond between us, the music, and something else...a movement of sorts...which is going in many directions at different times. Our paths align at special moments. It's not all accidental... (there's a point in there somewhere...something about a wind back in the sails of a lost ship... ;-) ).


Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:21 pm
by lucasdavidsamuels
my buddy from toronto was there (i almost made it, bailed on nyc about 2 days before), said the party was a shit show. lots of heavy drinking!

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:53 am
by Cleantone
I gave up on the party real fast. I just stood by the stage the whole time where you could hear and see.

Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:44 pm
by Phrazz
lucasdavidsamuels wrote:my buddy from toronto was there (i almost made it, bailed on nyc about 2 days before), said the party was a shit show. lots of heavy drinking!
Definitely heavy drinking...but you had to, after waiting in line so long. The pros
would bring their drinks to back of the line, then drink their way back up to the bar. ;)
It was more of a party than a show, but having the band behind the bar coerced that.
It was definitely the strangest room layout in all of Slip history, but they managed.
The PA screw-ups didn't help, but if you were focused on socializing, it was great! ;)

The Heartbreaker was pretty rockin', to my untrained ears. I heard things later
that no way I could have possibly heard with the loud crowd. They weren't as
disrespectful (as other chatty shows)...the sound and layout just wasn't condusive to music.

Hey...happy birthday, Lucas! Hope you've got some good music lined up tonight!


Re: Setlist 7/15/11 Private Party

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:29 am
by ScS
the east coast sure knows how to live it up.