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Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:07 pm
by Kevin_Kjr
Apparently they are doing a little gig in NYC at Rockwood Music Hall to showcase some songs off the album. It's a free show but I believe they were giving out tickets if you RSVP, may fill up quick.

Re: Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:51 am
by Kevin_Kjr
Was a great night for any that attended. Place was pretty packed. They sounded really tight. There was one song i heard that was incredible, sort of like the style of "even the darkness."

I think the new album will be very promising. Saw Meowskers there along with Joe Russo and a few other familiar faces. I cant recall any song names or anything but they played for about an hour and 15 minutes.

Re: Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:08 pm
by johnhk4
Great to see so many familiar faces in line and in the crowd last night.

I felt the show was one of the best short sets they've ever put on. The energy in the room was electric, the songs were well rehearsed and the sound was very good was where I was standing. I shot some video but nothing long enough or at a good enough angle to throw on YouTube. Lots of cell phones out though so i'm sure some of this will wind up on the 'net.

-Song That I Heard, incredibly intimate and earnest, with a French Horn solo by a guy in the balcony getting an applause from the crowd, Brad's response: "What the hell was that?" to add a little levity.
-Queens of the Breakers song was really cool
-Sarah's cool bowed instrument
-Brad and Andrew taking the reins on Half Crazy for an instrumental that went way out and came back

Queens of the Breakers includes the line "Like tryin to put out fire with matches and gasoline" ... which I think is in a late Slip tune called "Take the bus"

Good luck opening for War on Drugs boys.

Re: Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:21 pm
by johnhk4
Not sure if anyone taped or shot video - nothing up on YouTube yet

Re: Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:18 pm
by Kevin_Kjr
johnhk4 wrote:Not sure if anyone taped or shot video - nothing up on YouTube yet
I actually saw Andrew in line at the War on Drugs show the night before. I didnt take any video, wasnt sure if they were going to make a statement not to record anything until the new album comes out

Re: Barr Bros Rockwood Music Hall 9.20

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:15 pm
by booher
johnhk4 wrote:Great to see so many familiar faces in line and in the crowd last night.
which I think is in a late Slip tune called "Take the bus"
Love that you called it "late" :lol: Guess it's kind of apt for a lot of tunes that never made it to official albums.