I ate dinner in that place right next door. I forget what it's called but it was *really* good.
Meowskers was pretty good. He has a really great voice. He's an animated fella isn't he?

Nathan Moore has such a presence and The Slip with him is just awesome. Apparently Brad was coming down with a cold but his solo's were really great last night. I went with my husband who is not exactly a huge slip fan and he's super critical of *everything* and even he came out impressed last night.
Ok i'm not great with this setlist thing and i'm sure Clinton will come and post one but off the top of my head in no particular order I know they played
I Want to Get to Heaven
Summer of My Fall
Rubber Ball
I Hate Love
Fat King of Gods
Suffocation Keep
Unprotected Sex Song *
No Hurry to Get to Heaven
*Sammy sang first verse
So obviously there are more but I have a terrible memory and I wasn't writing it down. Nathan did some magic tricks.
All I can really say is that I hope these guys do this again. They bring out the best in each other I think. If I hadn't had that 16 year old girl puking in a trashcan behind me this night would have been perfect

(who forgot her password and is too lazy to get a new one right now)