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The Stone Bear Statement about the shut down...

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:20 pm
by Cleantone

With regards to Saturday night's premature shutdown...

We cannot emphasize strongly enough how very sorry we are to have been subject to these unfortunate circumstances. The time, effort, love and expense brought to bear in hosting this gathering were considerable. Every smiling face and dancing body made it worth the long days and perseverance spent on producing this inimitable experience.

We have always sought the proper channels prior to greenlighting an event. To say we were disappointed and saddened by the abrupt ending Saturday night, would be a gross understatement. We were wholeheartedly shocked. Never in the five-year history of this event have we ever had a single incident with the surrounding towns, neighbors, or police.

Permits are not given for this type of concert because no legislation for it exists in the Town of Pomfret. Through months of research and due diligence, we found that we fully qualify as a one-day music event through Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection and the Township of Pomfret, and further, that no sound ordinances prohibit our use of outdoor amplification. We produced a similarly staged show with The Slip last August, until midnight - without incident. We have met with the Town of Pomfret's First Selectman to clarify the sudden police presence Saturday night, and were extremely surprised to find that there have been NO complaints filed with his office regarding the event.

We'd like to specifically address the issue of the State Trooper whose behavior compromised this nearly perfect day. All evidence at the moment suggests that it was one officer, who single-handedly took it upon himself to close us down, regardless of our cooperation, and despite our well-informed protestations. Our EMT crew - onsite all weekend, and fully integrated into the community's emergency frequencies - heard absolutely no advanced warning on the police scanners. There was no chatter, or overt coordination, prior to the Trooper bursting on the scene. He drove onto the property WITHOUT ANNOUNCING HIMSELF (via his lights, loudspeaker, or by stopping someone in the highly visible Food & Merch Tent to find out who was in charge) and headed directly for the stage, ready to take immediate action. Instead of finding the property owner, or discussing with us the legitimacy of our operation, he moved to shut us down by any means necessary. We had to physically come between the officer and our staging as he was ready to start yanking monitor cords. Despite our offers to show him the paperwork we had on site from the Department of Environmental Protection and discuss the issue reasonably, he made it abundantly clear to us (through offensive and threatening language) that if we did not stop the music abruptly, he would begin immediate searches of everyone on the property. Faced with the choice of ending the music sooner than expected, or risking the violation of the integrity of our attendees, we chose to shut down. In hindsight he clearly may have been bluffing, but we were unwilling to take that risk.

We are aware that there were several gatherings that took place organically later in the evening, offering music and fellowship, and we just wish there was a way every attendee could have been there to experience it. We want you all to know that we were TWICE as demoralized as the most demoralized fan out there. We tried everything in our power to find positive solutions. We did, however, make it through 11 of 12 hours of music, on one of the most breathtakingly beautiful days of the summer - and for that, we are all grateful.

The organizers and property owners have already spent hours scrutinizing Saturday's shut down, in a full-bore effort to address resolutions, and other ramifications, and to pursue locally those who might be responsible for this unnecessary outcome. We are deeply bothered by the negativity this brings to an otherwise magical weekend. We truly hope that despite the unpleasant ending you had a safe and happy experience at the Stone Bear.

We will be visiting the State Trooper barracks in Danielson, CT this week to look for further information regarding this situation. We, as a community, can join to bring focus on these events, ensuring that this officer no longer wields his "authority" in such a debilitating, unnecessarily intimidating, and negative way. We'll try our best to keep the community-at-large informed of events as they unfold. And of course, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support.

Most sincerely,

The Stone Bear Crew

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:38 pm
by francis
fuck tha police!

Police State

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:28 pm
by Phrazz
Sounds like a classic case of an overzealous cop overstepping his authority. If it were up to me, I would call the police (the locals) and find out why this guy took it as his authority to handle a noise complaint. Frankly, I'm a bit disturbed that a State Police Officer (whose jurisdiction largely is the state highways) found the time to stop chasing speeders and come out to the boonies to tag a bunch of people who are obviously going nowhere.

The only thing that I can think of is that one of the neighbors has a buddy who's a Statie and called him up to help out because he was having trouble sleeping. Doubtful there are even enough neighbors within earshot to be able to lodge "numerous complaints". And now since the office admits noone filed anything, this may in fact be a completely warrantless charge. Indeed, it it also possible the Statie was just driving by and made up the complaint which case he's in a lot of fucking hot water (ie, if he can't come up with witnesses, they will pull his badge, he may even do time and there's also the potential of expensive civil suits).

Unfortunately, this is also a sign of the times. We really don't have true's only getting worse as we chase mysterious bombers in a faraway land and try to make sense of the jihad vs crusade vs whatever floats your boat. Seems like this one bad cop had a bad day and took it out the only way he knows how--by threatening or busting people. Sad fate...but I'm happy I wasn't there (I would not have been so nice to him and would have gotten myself and everyone in a lot of trouble).

-Fight for your rights (they won't fight for you),


Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:58 am
by francis
everyone who went should file suits against the guy if they find out that he had no right being there.. missing half of a set by the duo is priceless.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:22 pm
by mango
bollocks. pure bollocks. that's the last time i respect the 50MPH sections of I-84.