SMMD: 4/18 Club Helsinki, Great Barrington

Reviews of live performances and news about upcoming shows.

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SMMD: 4/18 Club Helsinki, Great Barrington

Post: # 19472Post bear »

1:Ladies and Gentlemen*, Home Away From Home, When a Woman, Poor Boy, Joelle, Sleepyhead, Roses and Bottles, I'm No Good at All, The Real World, Gonna Have to Move, Sisyphus, "magic trick"***, Dumbo, Little Boat, As the Crow Flies By

E: Life in Disguise^, Hold On I'm Coming^^, Ambrosia Drunk, If I Didn't Love You, Emily Green*, Last One Ever

* new original ** I called it Searching for signs of Grace, it has another title though. *** same as last night, Nathan and Droo do simultaneous tricks. ^ just the Slip ^^ Sam and Dave cover
Last edited by bear on Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post: # 19476Post Jenny »

Hey Chloe, what's a hope chest? hehe
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Post: # 19481Post Cleantone »

I have to leave (running late) but Sisyphus should be up on my youtube in a matter of minutes (8:00pm).
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Post: # 19482Post lucasdavidsamuels »

great song and a great video
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Post: # 19483Post bouche »

Cleantone wrote:I have to leave (running late) but Sisyphus should be up on my youtube in a matter of minutes (8:00pm).
nice. it's great to see this from another show. Seems much tighter than the burlington one. I like brad's completely different guitar solo.
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Post: # 19485Post harrymcq »

Sweet vid!!! Thanks Clinton!

I am torn though. I really like the new arrangement but I also miss the old one. Also a little weird seeing Nathan up there w/o a guitar... I love the funk of the new arrangement though.
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Post: # 19487Post lumpy »

Loving your video posts Cleantone!

The old arrangement is fantastic - and I can imagine that this one will grow immensely by the end of this tour, and high sierra this summer.

Thanks for sharing all these great recent sites and sounds!
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fabulous nite in GB

Post: # 19489Post nfa »

Very happy four/twenty everyone! The show in GB was nothing short of first SMMD show since High Sierra 06 I the Wedding Band show at Murphy's. The band is hot and sounding better than ever!

Apparently Nathan whacked his head (?) just before the encore and was taking a minute, so Brad started up Life in Disguise (unplanned?) and it was great...wonderful to hear that live.

Other highlights for me...When a Woman, Poor Boy, Sissyfuss, and of course the "Chloe Rap" :^)

Wishing I was in NYC tonight...Matt
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Everything but the kitchen Helsinki

Post: # 19501Post Phrazz »

Looks like an amazing show I missed, but I still had a great time this weekend so I'm not kicking myself as hard as I could. What's this "Chloe Rap" you speak of? Did Chloe get up and have some fun on stage? back to civilization yet? Please tell.
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Post: # 19503Post bear »

Nathan was talking about a "Hope Chest" during the intro to last one ever and asked if anyone knew the definition or any history to what a hope chest was. Chloe got on stage and told the crowd about the history and meaning of hope chests. well done chloe...
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Post: # 19518Post chloe »

i'll only be back to civilization for tonight, courtesy of the degree i want someday.... oh academia.... but yeah.... bear put it perfectly.... of course i left out the part about how i only know this because at 28 my grandmother has given up on me and has started giving me the glasses and dishes and towels and such that she had been saving to pass down if i ever gave her hope of me having a hope chest.... she's 92 and considers 28 very old to still be unwed, let alone as single as i am, and is one of those ladies who started putting stuff aside as soon as each of her grandaughters were born..... total trip.... wasn't sure it had happened until other people brought it up, but..... there's the long story at medium length.... :wink:
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Post: # 19544Post harrymcq »

Here's this one as a .mp3 for the torrent impaired:
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