I have been toying with a web show airing audio and video from my personal archive of music I have recorded over the years. Please join this group to stay on top of updates and the like. I will probably do a show this Sunday Evening. So if you like music that I like you may want to check this out.
Tentative (likely) show this coming Sunday evening.
"Welcome to the Facebook Group for "Cleantone's Collection". This is a show hosted by recordist Clinton Vadnais airing audio and video from his personal collection and archives. Mostly unseen and unheard material from artists near and dear to his heart. You never know what may be aired on any given show. So keep up with this group to make sure not to miss a broadcast!
This was awesome! I know there were some tech problems but the music that was played was off the hook. The video of the Met looks super-sweet, would love to see some more of that at hi-res for sure!
I have a playlist put together and will be itching to do a simple cast soon. I'm squeezing in a beach day tomorrow but maybe Thurday evening will try to do a cast. Join the group to stay informed. The next cast will be heavy on The Slip/Davis.
I can't wait... however I will be watching the Phish Webcasts Friday-Sunday so hopefully you don't do it then (which wouldn't be great for viewership anyway...)
Yeah Phish is going to eff up my weekend streaming plans. Maybe you can flip over to me before set one or during set break. Maybe the timing will be right.
I plan to air tonight's show featuring Marco Benevento (The Duo, GRAB, Garage A Trois), Dave Dreiwitz (Ween) and Andrew Borger (Tom Waits, Norah Jones, Ani DiFranco) performing a live score to Roger Corman's 1960's "The House of Usher" at 7:00PM EST and again at 9:00PM EST. This is a live performance of an original modern score with 5 camera angles surrounding the film and a multitracked audio soundtrack.Please feel free to invite friends to tune in and help me spread the word. This was a significant production effort and I would love to have a good audience tune in to watch.
I will be doing a webcast tonight. Sometime around 8:30 or 9:00pm EST. By demand this will be all The Slip. Featuring a lot of footage that was not shot by me. Though I don't even quite have the set list sorted out. If you are not already a member of the FB group join now!
Picked up the 'cast a little late last night, but now I'm completely hooked on Fool's Gold. Admittedly, I haven't listened to much, if any, of Lhasa's work. This one was a very inspirational place to start, though. Transcribed it this morning and am working out a few of the picking patterns/walk-downs used. Lots of fun to play, yet still very somber and moving.