HSMF Slip rumor... Heat Stroke??

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HSMF Slip rumor... Heat Stroke??

Post: # 5590Post Tara »

Hey I just read somewhere that one of the members of the slip got heat stroke at HSMF. :(

I'm just wondering if anyone else heard that or was there and hoping that whoever it was is ok now.

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Post: # 5592Post Cleantone »

Where the eff did you read that? They did get sick and needed some minor medical attention. I don't think it was anything serious enough that we need to get concerned or anything like that. It could have been heat stroke, what the hell is that exactly anyway?....
What is heat stroke?
Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat illness and is a life-threatening emergency. It is the result of long, extreme exposure to the sun, in which a person does not sweat enough to lower body temperature. The elderly, infants, persons who work outdoors and those on certain types of medications are most susceptible to heat stroke. It is a condition that develops rapidly and requires immediate medical treatment.

What causes heat stroke?
Our bodies produce a tremendous amount of internal heat and we normally cool ourselves by sweating and radiating heat through the skin. However, in certain circumstances, such as extreme heat, high humidity or vigorous activity in the hot sun, this cooling system may begin to fail, allowing heat to build up to dangerous levels.

If a person becomes dehydrated and can not sweat enough to cool their body, their internal temperature may rise to dangerously high levels, causing heat stroke.

What are the symptoms of heat stroke?
The following are the most common symptoms of heat stroke, although each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

* headache
* dizziness
* disorientation, agitation or confusion
* sluggishness or fatigue
* seizure
* hot, dry skin that is flushed but not sweaty
* a high body temperature
* loss of consciousness
* rapid heart beat
* hallucinations

How is heat stroke treated?
It is important for the person to be treated immediately as heat stroke can cause permanent damage or death. There are some immediate first aid measures you can take while waiting for help to arrive.

* Get the person indoors.
* Remove clothing and gently apply cool water to the skin followed by fanning to stimulate sweating.
* Apply ice packs to the groin and armpits.
* Have the person lie down in a cool area with their feet slightly elevated

Intravenous fluids are often necessary to compensate for fluid or electrolyte loss. Bed rest is generally advised and body temperature may fluctuate abnormally for weeks after heat stroke.

How can heat stroke be prevented?
There are precautions that can help protect you against the adverse effects of heat stroke. These include:

* Drink plenty of fluids during outdoor activities, especially on hot days. Water and sports drinks are the drinks of choice; avoid tea, coffee, soda and alcohol as these can lead to dehydration.
* Wear lightweight, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing in light colors.
* Schedule vigorous activity and sports for cooler times of the day.
* Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat, sunglasses and using an umbrella.
* Increase time spent outdoors gradually to get your body used to the heat.
* During outdoor activities, take frequent drink breaks and mist yourself with a spray bottle to avoid becoming overheated.
* Try to spend as much time indoors as possible on very hot and humid days.

If you live in a hot climate and have a chronic condition, talk to your physician about extra precautions you can take to protect yourself against heat stroke.
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Post: # 5595Post Katie »

There are less severe forms of heat exhaustion that are not life threatening but certainly can make a person pretty sick. This kind of thing can happen pretty easily at festivals, so thankfully the first aid crews are usually very prepaired for it.

It seems like festival shows breed rumours (although the ones coming back from Gathering last year were partly true)... it would be nice if someone credible who was at these things would give an update to set things straight.
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Post: # 5596Post tim »

Katie wrote:It seems like festival shows breed rumours
looks like HSMF was definitely the rumor mill this past weekend. brownie from the disco biscuits even hopped in when he announced that joe russo would be the new drummer for bisco. thankfully this is false.
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Post: # 5597Post SpaceIsThePlace »

What an odd combination, Russo and Bisco. The spectrum of talent would definately swing toward the drums. Not that Bisco's not talented, just that Joe Russo is much more so.
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Post: # 5599Post maura »

Hey I think i started that rumor by posting on Monday that Brad and Andrew were ill, i specifically recall saying "I don't know if it was heat exhaustion or what." That was over on the frogville Thought Swap Parlor. So i apologize for that. Gotta watch myself. ;)

Post: # 5600Post down2nothing »

I was at HSMF

During the Sat afternoon set, Andrew said that Brad had a bad case of vertigo and therefore couldn't play. Marco Benvenento sat in for the entire set. Nathan Moore sat in for a song and so did this MC named Alfred Howard (?). Pretty cool stuff, but not quite the same as a Slip show.

On Sunday, they said the Andrew was suffering from the same thing, but he did play the SMMD set.

Nathan Moore was arrested for mushroom possession, but didn't miss any performances w/ SMMD or ThaMusemeant.

They did let SMMD play an extra set.

All the guys seemed a little frazled all weekend. Understandable. But I had a good time here are some pics:
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/samgelfan ... d7&.src=ph


Post: # 5601Post Guest »

Thanks for the post! I know of Alfred Howard , he's from San Diego, CA where I'm from. He's an amzing writer and MC. How was the mix with Howard? I'm sure it was great. All in all I hope you had a great time, with the whole bust, feeling ill and all. So, ridiculous, people being hounded for nothing really. Shouldn't they be spending thier time dealing with the child molesters, rapists and murderers?????!!!!! I think so. Keep the love.

and thanks for the pics
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Post: # 5602Post Tara »

I read it on another message board (not frogville). Thanks for setting the record straight. I didn't mean to perputrate rumors I just was kinda worried about the boys.

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Hot Sierra Sun can get to anyone

Post: # 5605Post Phrazz »

I am pretty sure the most likely culprit for Brad's "illness" was heat exhaustion (not as severe as heat stroke, but will get there fast in the sun). IV drip usually implies a blood problem (dehydration, electrolytes, etc) and by the brew of the IV I could tell you what was suspected to be the problem (not a doctor but have been to many hospitals myself and visiting others with heat exhaustion, cancer, operations and many other problems). Am I expert enough to continue the rumor? No. But I can guess, and this isn't necessarily the same as a rumor.

Now I heard another rumor that Nathan was arrested...is this a rumor or fact? Even if Nathan himself says he was arrested, without actually seeing the mug shot or the arrest warrent, technically it still could be considered a rumor (for similar reasons, I suspect that Nathan would not be so devious as to spread a false rumor about himself..I know him to be very honest as I know are the sources for other rumors).

Other thing is the dusty conditions make it easy to get a cold (virus, split hairs and call it something else)...not drinking fluids, getting rest, food, etc can make you more susceptible to all sorts of things (including heat exhaustion, but various other things which can cause "vertigo" [fancy word for dizzyness]).

So let's say the big trip you only get 3 hours of rest instead of 4 to 8. The sun is 90 degrees but you're not wearing a hat. That missing 5 hours of sleep can mean another quart or two of water you're short, and it doesn't take much to drop from the heat (dizzy first, then you go down...I've seen this happen and it's not pretty). Good thing he got prompt medical attention...but heat exhaustion can take many hours to recover from (sometimes days).

The operative terms are "stroke" versus "exhaustion" and whether heat was a factor (I can nearly guarantee it, but maybe it was just something they ate...food poisoning also causes dehydration). IV drip is almost always some kind of blood imbalance...and this points to heat being a factor (even if it's not the only one)...other being nutrition...then there's worse things we all pray Brad doesn't have (I won't even mention these because further conjecture at this point is "disasterbation" ;-}).

I hope with everyone that Brad and Andrew are OK. I'm also curious if Marc's hairdo is why he might have superior cooling capacity. :)

As for Nathan's plight, let's hope he has good legal counsel. From the details of the story, it sounds like a total setup. Cops can't just go up to you and suspect you're high and ask you to submit to searches. However, we have to know when to say "no" and this is hard if you're not used to telling a cop to fuck off (I'm very used to it, and have many relatives who will back me up in court...I also know my rights and have excercised them at appropriate times based on training, experience and a bit of luck, but I've been on the bad side of luck and can relate to the jail cell personally). Now having relatives in the law enforcement as well as attorneys helps see the balance between the law, citizen's rights, the community and all that jazz...but being "heads up" and having "spidey sense" (awareness) is better than everything because you can "head them off at the pass" (so to speak). People who suspect they are being followed by cops can confront them in a funny way and that humor can diffuse the situation. This is nearly impossible when you're already being pulled over...at some point you have to be firm and say, "I'm not an attorney, but my attorney told me to tell you to get a warrant. You can call him and ask him if you like."

Now when your relatives are the local sherriff or judge, senator, etc...this gives another layer of protection, but on a bad day, a bad cop will do bad things no matter what. Sometimes we're lucky to just not be shot for sticking up for what is right. Sometimes we get shot or thrown in jail for the wrong reasons...hopefully good judges and lawyers can set things straight.

But in a small town if the judge is the cop's relative, you're screwed.

-More on this later,


P.S.: Buy Nathan's CDs to help his legal cause (I'm getting all of them and will also donate directly).
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Re: Hot Sierra Sun can get to anyone

Post: # 5608Post diesel »

Phrazz wrote:... Sometimes we get shot or thrown in jail for the wrong reasons...
i know man, this happens to me all the time!

well, now that we're all caught up to speed about the barrs scary run in with the reaper ( come on, they were just drained whys everyone flliping out? ), can we get to some show reviews?

how was it phrazz? who did you see? and where are those pics ?

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Post: # 5612Post SpaceIsThePlace »

Seriously. Ive yet to hear a word about their set. Maybe I havent been listening correctly or something
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High Sierra Pix

Post: # 5613Post Phrazz »

I dunno...guess it didn't suck. There was stuff related to incarceration of a certain Nathan Moore and poor Brad with IV drip recovery, but Marco came to the rescue and the next day rocked! Actually, all the days rocked. Best festival - ever! Hard to put it all in words, but I'll try sometime. I only took a few shots. Here's one of 'em:

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Post: # 5614Post Phrazz »

MVP of High Sierra has to go to Marco.

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Post: # 5615Post diesel »

god i just got the biggest boner

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